Flashback | 22

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Before Youngbin turned 26 years old, he was supposed to be a happy kid who is friends with everyone despite what happened to him with Jingyu when they were 6 years old.

That's how he started to become friends with Daeyeol, at the age of 8. He started to meet him when their dads were best friends.

But everything was slowly destroyed 14 years ago.

It started because Youngbin and Jingyu are fast learners.

Youngbin's mom is a good person, but the problem arises because she always believed what she learned from other people.

The same thing happened when Youngbin was born. She started to believe what was told by other people about the beliefs of the Chinese people about the number 4 (四 sì) which is considered the most unlucky as it rhymes with the word that means death (死 sǐ).

That's how she started to change her behaviour.

Every year feels the same to him when his class teacher informs his parents during his 'report card day'.

Due to his father's job, his mother is the one who was coming to school and met with his class teacher.

"He won't last.", Youngbin said this sentence to his mother to reassure her that Daeyeol won't last forever with his good results.

His mother held his shoulder before bowing and looking at her son, "Open your eyes and look at this."

You can feel his mother's tone that she was forcing him, "You won't get an A plus."

"You may not get an A even if you get a 100 on your final exam!"

After knowing her son's friend's enemy smiling widely because of her son's result, she started to feel angry because she felt like she lost, "you must be out of your mind, how could you lose to him?"

He raised his eyebrows before he smirked in front of his mother trying his best to smile, "It's for one subject."

"This makes no sense"

"I know. it's crazy."

"What happened?"

"Isn't it so crazy?"

"Yeah, I know."


"How did he do it?"

"He got an 86?"

"for real."

"Darm it."

When the class was murmuring about the Youngbin exam mark, someone made a statement out of it, "tsk, he's still nothing, don't you guys know that Daeyeol got 99 for this subject?"

The class immediately went silent after their teacher came into the class, "Got a complaint on your mark?"

His teacher's eyes landed on Youngbin, "it fascinates me every time when you get the highest mark while the fact that you always sleep in my class at the back, Kim Youngbin."

Youngbin opened his eyes and looked at the front when he realized all of his classmates were looking at him. He bore his eyes into his teacher before he continued his sleep.

"Tsk no manners."

"You can't blame him for that, he is still grieving about the fact that Jingyu killed himself."

"Ahh I miss when he smiles a lot."

The teacher taps the board using a wooden ruler, "enough with talking."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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