Chapter 6: Road to Graduation & the Colossal Peeper (Humanity's Rerise 2/2)

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Year 845, the year where the Colossal and Armored Titans suddenly appeared, destroying the wall, along with the life of civilians as we know it.

Then having finally unleashed from 100 years of insatiable hunger, the Titans trampled humanity once again.

Eren: STOP IT!!!! *then saw the Titan got knocked out and retrieved injured Carla*

Humanity has abandoned Wall Maria, losing 20% of its population, a third of it's territory, and retreat within Wall Rose.

Y/n *Vidar mask*: 00, 00 is my name. *flies away with the Wings of Light appeared*

And this is where the wings of light has made its appearance to a boy who sought freedom.

*narrating end*

*opening starts*

 2 years later

Year 850

It's raining hard at this day, the cadets continued training. 

Keith: You're too slow! Run, you slowpokes!

*plays DOA*

Now this tests about their strength, agility, adaptability and endurance. They're carrying bags filled with weight while running in the muddy forest. 

Keith: What's wrong, Arlert? You're falling behind!

Armin is trying his best to keep pushing through but he can't because of the weights. He's already breathing rapidly.

Keith: Is it too heavy for you? Will you be the only one to remove his equipment? If this were a real fight, you'd be a Titan food by now!

 Keith moves back to the others at the front.

Armin: *mutters* Damn it...

Reiner:: *whispers* Give me that.

Reiner grabs the baggage to help Armin.

Reiner: At this rate, we'll all fail out! We're being graded on this exercise.

Armin: If you do that, you'll lose points, as well.

Reiner: Just don't let them find out! Before I change my mind!

Keith quietly observes them.

Keith: Reiner Braun. strong both physically and mentally. moreover, trusted by his comrades.

Reiner starts to run faster and Armin notices this.

Armin: *mutters* I won't slow everyone down, even if it kills me!

He runs faster as well to catch up and grabs the baggage from Reiner.

Keith: Armin Arlert. While lacking in physical strength, he's demonstrated an extraordinary idea for his studies.

Next day

Titan Kill training

Keith continues to observe. The Titan dummies are being raised to begin the training. Then 3 people are coming in to kill the first Tall Titan dummy. The first two made a precise cut. While the last one, made it's cut, barely. 

Keith: Annie Leonhart. Her strike form is flawless, but she works poorly with others and tends to isolate herself.

Keith: Bertholdt Hoover. H e has great potential, but lacks initiative.

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