Chapter Epilogue (Season 1): Angels and Demons

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Two titans have finally clashed in their so-called safety walls of Wall Sina. The Gundam acting as mediators between these Titans have another thing to worry about now the situation has turned for both best and worst.

His only hope was to let Eren immediately dispose of her before it arrived or he would take care of her and the mobile armor, even if it meant damaging his internals.

The people in this wall believed that their goddesses created their walls, namely, Maria, Rose, and Sina. Oh, how wrong they are that these goddesses have lived in cruelty and slavery like them before, only their ruler, is a tyrant like it is today.

Nick: Let us pray for the solidity of the three goddesses Maria, Rose, and Sina. We must not misdoubt these sacred walls for these walls of light born from the hands of the divine have made us ever more stalwart through the offering of our faith. For it is only the innocence of faithful devotion that protects us from the disdain and bloodshed of the Ti-

Nick didn't even get to finish his monologue as their so-called sacred grounds were demolished by Female Titan. She was knocked back by Eren's jab to her face and she unintentionally killed the civilians inside with her elbow. The dusts have blown away instantly from Eren's arrival, blowing hot steam from his body due to his transformation. Nick only saw the back of her head and started to go paranoid.

Nick: A Titan?! Here?!

She can see on her hand that she holds the corpse of a Wallist woman along with others whom she crushed with her gigantic body. She heard Eren's feral roar as she ran away from him and the church. Nick discovers that she's running toward the walls and he starts to panic.

Nick: N-No... She's heading to the walls... Stay away...!

Then Eren's foot stomped on the floor as clouds of dust blew him away and the two Titans went on a goose chase with the 00 following up behind watching them while making sure he stayed low from the walls' height.

Everyone else is running away while some are watching from afar, feeling terrified and panicked that their so-called blessed walls have been infiltrated. Titan's running and 00's flying vibrate every house, falling off their personal belongings from their tables or shelves. Hange, Jean, and Armin dropped by on a roof from their constant grappling to watch their fight for now.

Hange: Looks like he's in control of himself this time around.

Armin: I-I think so. But Eren has yet to win against the Female Titan even once.

Jean: If he transformed, it means he's ready for the worst. He won't lose so-

Armin: Spirit alone can't win a fight. You know that first-hand; to surpass her, he needed more. And with our current situation, it's only a matter of time before it arrives...

Armin looks back at Eren running towards her and he looks at the 00, thinking a while back of another topic during their conversation last night.


Erwin: At this point, we need to capture her immediately during the operation before it arrives

Armin: It, sir?

Mikasa: Armin, we can't ask something that-

Erwin: It's alright, I think it's time for us to come clean about the topic we hide.

Levi: To be honest, even I'm afraid to talk about it to anyone except for my team and Y/n. From the looks of it during our expedition, Eren seems to know about it.

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