Once Upon a December [12: Paper Crown]

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'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the flat,

Not a creature was stirring, except a black cat.

He snuck 'round the home, with a parcel in hand,

In hopes when she woke, she'd find something grand.

Ladybug was nestled all snug in their bed.

As she prepared for the first Christmas, as Chat's newlywed.

No wigs were in sight, just a magical garment,

That would help if they woke from the Christmas excitement.

Adrien was excited... wait no! Excited was such a mediocre word. He was thrilled, exhilarated, elevated, delighted, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, full of beans and what any other synonym Google could tell him for the word.

He was here for three days, three whole days, only having to head back the day after Christmas when he'd return for the last of his work-related galas. He was almost home free... almost. The weeks were ticking down until he would be calling this place his own, getting to sleep beside his wife every night and enjoy the time with her, going on dates, watching movies and being on the same bodyclock. The toing and froing between two different continents; two different time zones was beginning to screw him up a little, so being in just one was going to be a welcome change.

Ladybug had gone to bed early. She'd been tired a lot recently and he knew she was working herself to the core. She was continuously tired, and barely eating, and truth be told he was worried about her. He'd begged her to see a doctor, but she was brushing him off telling him it was just her workload. However, with everything going on, he was a little worried it was something more. He couldn't help but think back to his mother; the headaches, the tiredness, the lack of appetite, and seeing his Lady displaying the same symptoms panicked him. A lot.

He'd spent the last couple of hours wrapping her presents and positioning them just right under the tree, her main now stored away with a big bow in her office; his pièce de résistance. For the first time in years he was actually excited for Christmas Day, the day jam packed with love, family and friends.

Adrien pulled out his phone with a sigh, maybe he'd gone a little overboard this year, the love of his Lady speering him on to make all kinds of crazy plans. It had all seemed quite simple when he'd written it in his phone's calendar app, but now the day was practically here, and he had to actually go through with it; he wondered if he'd bitten off more than he could chew.

He looked at the list of events he had planned for that day:

1. Wake up and open presents with his Lady

2. Ladybug's parents were coming around for Christmas brunch

3. Spent time together as a family / Christmas dinner

And this is where things began to get a little tricky. Nino had caught wind of him coming back to Paris, he wasn't sure how or who had spilled the beans? Maybe he'd mistakenly mentioned it during one of their last conversations, but he had zero recollection. Anyway:

    4. Go and see Nino and Alya

    5. Meet the rest of the gang on 'The Liberty' for Christmas evening

He'd already mentioned to Ladybug that he would be going to see 'some friends' and she was surprisingly fine with it stating she always saw her best friend on Christmas evening and went to a regular party. He didn't know whether he was upset by the fact she agreed so readily, or if he was envious he wasn't going with her.

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