21- LOST

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"You need to eat something

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"You need to eat something." Sansa does not respond.

"Pigeon pie." Shae insisted. "No, thank you." Shae looks back to the table for other options, and picks up Sansa's plate.

"Lemon cakes?"

"No, thank you." Sansa was motionless. You can see the tears in her eyes trying to escape.

"You love lemon cakes." Tyrion enters.

"Tell her she needs to eat." Shae told the small lord.

"My lady, you do need to eat." Tyrion insisted. Sansa answer with the same respond. "I don't need to eat."

"If I could have a moment alone with my wife." Marei leaves, but Shae stays. Tyrion nodes, imploringly.

"She needs to eat."

Shae exits and Tyrion sits at the table with Sansa. He takes her hand. "I can't let you starve."

"I swore to protect you."

Sansa looks away and removes her hand from Tyrion's.

"My lady, I am your husband. Let me help you." Sansa didn't believe him. His family did this. They killed them. "How can you help me?"

"I don't know, but I can try."

"I lie awake all night staring at the canopy thinking about how they died." Sansa stated. Letting the tears finally escape.

"I could get you essence of nightshade to help you sleep." Tyrion try his best to help.

"Do you know what they did to my brother? How they sewed his direwolf's head onto his body? And my mother. They say they cut her throat to the bone and threw her body in the river. My... sister. They took turns raping her until there was nothing left of her." Sansa thought back to when she was in Winterfell. She was awful to her. But everything change when they arrive to Kingslanding, Dyanna was the only person she could trust. Sansa cried for days when Dyanna escape. She thought the Lannister's got to her. But one day she overheard the Joffrey speaking of Dyanna in an ill way. She had found Robb and together they would rescue Sansa and take her back home. But the Lannister's did get to her. Now Sansa's only hope was gone.

"What happened to your family was a terrible crime. I didn't know your brother or your sister. He seemed like a good man , but I didn't know him. I heard stories about Dyanna, she was an excellent fighter. Your mother, on the other hand, I admired her. She wanted to have me executed, but I admired her. She was a strong woman. And she was fierce when it came to protecting her children. Sansa. Your mother would want you to carry on. You know it's true." Sansa stands, and Tyrion does as well, in politeness.

"Will you pardon me, my lord? I'd like to visit the godswood." Sansa states. "Of course. Of course. Prayer can be helpful, I hear."

"I don't pray anymore. It's the only place I can go where people don't talk to me." Sansa exits and Tyrion watches her go.

Almost a week has past. Daryn and Larence were sitting around a fire. They have been traveling, both taking turns on carrying Dyanna.

Both the brothers wondering if she will ever wake. They had been trying to heal her as best as they could. With the little resources they could fine. Now all they were doing was waiting.

The brothers didn't know where to go. For days they were traveling without any destination. Larence looks at Daryn. "Where will we go?" Daryn stares at the fire. Just like his brother he had no clue.

"The Bolton's have taken over. We can't go home. They would flay us the second we step foot." Now his eyes focusing on Dyanna.

"She needs more than what we have. She needs proper medicine." Daryn was angry, every night he stares at her. Scared that if he closes his eyes, it be the last time he will ever see her.

"We don't have any money." Larence said. Both brothers sat quietly. Just the birds around them chipping. But they heard a small whisper. "Wat." Larence looks at Dyanna. Daryn kneels closer.

Dyanna begins to move her body. "Wat....wat...water." Larence runs to get water. He passes it to Daryn, who holds it against Dyanna mouth.

She slowly drinks. Her vision becoming clearer. She sees Larence and Daryn. Once she was done drinking. All she could do was stare at them. The same with the brothers. All shock that Dyanna was finally awake.

Daryn was wary of Dyanna state of mind. But he had to ask her.

"Dyanna... do you remember what happen?" Dyanna had finally notice the state she was in. Her body was all numb, all bruise. She remembered. She remembered everything.

A small tear left her eyes. "They ki-killed them. All of them." Memories were rushing to her brain. The moment she witness Roose Bolton stab Robb right in the heart.

"He said 'The Lannister's send their Regards.' He killed him. He killed Robb. Then they went after Catelyn. Slicing her throat... Talisa was already dead before it was all over." Dyanna stared at the flames. Both brothers stared at each other. Larence spoke up. "Who killed...who killed Robb?" Dyanna didn't take he eyes off the fire.

"Roose Bolton."

The very same man who has control over the North.

Dyanna stayed quiet. She thought to herself. She should have died in the castle. It would have been more easier than living. More easier than where she is right now. Dyanna felt empty. She was supposed to protect them. But she couldn't and now the guilt was eating her alive.

"The Boltons have Winterfell. There are the Wardens of The North." Daryn spoke , breaking Dyanna's train of thoughts. The last thing she wanted was  to head home. How can it be her home when everyone she remembers is dead.

"We have no where to go?" Larence spoke out. Dyanna believes him. She couldn't go North. She couldn't go the Reach and especially couldn't go to Kingslanding. Leaving one place.

"Yes we do."

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