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Robb army was traveling to Harrenhal

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Robb army was traveling to Harrenhal. Dyanna was accompany by Daryn and Larence.   News broke out Lord Haly pass away at the battle of Green Fork. Daryn was lord of Hornwood.

"Do you believe ghosts live in Harrenhal." Larence ask who was following behind his brother and Dyanna.

"Of course not, stories to scare off any children. Only half of the castle is use today." Daryn stayed not believing in any ghosts.

"I do. During the burning of Harrenhal. Harren and his sons died in the largest of the tower. They say you could still hear there screams." Dyanna had travel to Harrenhal once when she was only a young child. She did not remember it but she did remember the castle was huge. Now looking at it again it seem like it got bigger.

Larence continued on infront of them. Daryn and Dyanna were riding side to side.

"What is to happen after Harrenhal?" Daryn ask. Dyanna didn't look to him but look at the castle that was getting closer.

"Probably another battle to be fought. It's hard. I mean we are winning every battle and yet it feels like we are losing. We left behind our homes, our families." Dyanna look ahead to see Robb and Talisa riding side by side. He had found his wife and he was starting his own family. He found happiness in a place full with darkness and death.

"After we won this war, what will you do at Winterfell?" Daryn ask. Dyanna smile. Every single day she thought about it. She was no longer a child. She will no long run in the halls, but probably still cause trouble. "I guess I will help Robb rebuild Winterfell and the North."

"What would you do now that your Lord of Hornwood?"

"Do Lord things. Before Mother would set up meetings with ladies in waiting. She also insist of me getting marry and finding the new lady of Hornwood." Daryn laugh. Dyanna smile. "I'm guessing you haven't found the one."

"She's out there somewhere, but I'm find right now. I have duties to follow." Dyanna look at him. "Duties, like..."

"Protecting lady Dayne and making sure she makes it out alive. Sometimes she makes it difficult." Daryn smiles. Dyanna roll her eyes. "She is probably doing it for fun."

"Will it's not." They both laugh.

Robb's forces have arrived at Harrenhall. Robb surveys a courtyard that littered with bodies. Dyanna enters behind him.Flies buzz noisily among the corpses. Rickard Karstark and Roose Bolton enter.

"200 Northmen slaughtered like sheep." Dyanna heard Lord Karstark. The brothers were behind Dyanna when she got off her horse and started walking around.

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