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Edric "Ned" Dayne heard of a Dayne living in the North

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Edric "Ned" Dayne heard of a Dayne living in the North. His aunt Allyria, spoke about her famous Kingsguard brother and the baby that was to live with the Starks.

He had never thought he will meet his cousin. As Starfall was not anywhere close to the Winterfell.

At the Hand's Tourney, in Kingslanding. He sees Lord Eddard Stark. He wanted to go and speak with him, but did not know what to say. He did not know if there was any bad blood between the Dayne's and the Stark's.

Accompanied with Lord Stark was a red head girl that Ned assume to be Lord Stark's daughter. But sitting right next to her was a girl. A girl that did not look anything like the Starks. She had very dark black hair, her eyes were dark but if Ned had went any closer, he would see a bit of violet in her eyes. A feature that was commonly known in House Dayne.

Ned later came to know, the girl sitting with the Starks. Was indeed his cousin, Dyanna Dayne. By the time he found out, Ned was to accompany Beric Dondarrion as he was his squire to the Riverlands. Sent by Lord Stark, Beric was to kill the Mountain.

After Beric force was ambrush, the Mountain drove his sword in him.Ned pulls Beric dying body out of the river. He saw the first time when Thoros recited a small prayer that brought Beric Dondarrion back to life. Ned couldn't believe it. He came to believe the Lord of Light was the only god.

Ned was part of the Brotherhood with Banners. These men were his family. Every time he lost Beric his heart broke. He didn't know how many times the Lord of Light will bring him back. And every time he did die, Ned always thought that be the last time he will see him. Beric became a father figure to Ned.

Ned did not accompany Thoros and Beric to scout the woods. He decided to stay back in the cave. But the group of men came back, he heard them saying they had found a group of Northerners.

Ned knew that any Northerners that travel up South had accompanied the King in the North, Robb Stark. But the King in the North was dead, so was all his men.

The Hornwood brothers were surprised, they did not expect to meet a Dayne. Ned knew that. He didn't suspect to ever see his cousin again.

"Ned, you can call me Ned." Ned said, the brothers were quiet and just nodded.

"Ned's my squire." Beric Dondarrion broke the silence.

"How does a boy from Starfall, specifically a Dayne become your squire?" Larence ask. Beric looks at Ned. "It's a long story."

"Dyanna will have a thrill hearing about this." Daryn spoke out. Ned scrunch his eye brown together. "Dyanna's here?"

"She had ask us to leave her alone." Beric said. Ned nodded. Ned didn't want to admit it but he was nervous to meet her. She didn't know he existed. Ned didn't know she was alive. Yet the only thing they have in common was their house name.

"Was she at the red wedding?" Ned ask. The brothers looked at him in the eyes. "Aye, she was." Larence answer.

"Best not to talk about it." Daryn stated. Ned nodded. He understood why, he just wanted to make conversation.

Ned, had excuse himself. He was a very shy boy. He whether spend time alone.

Ned couldn't believe Dyanna was here. House Dayne was small to begin with. His uncle, Dyanna's father died before he was born and so did his aunt, Ashara. He only heard stories growing up.

Ned decided to go and talk to her. He will not act like he did when he saw Lord Stark at the Hand's tourney.

Slowly he enter the cave, he spotted her right away. She was sitting near the fire. Ned stopped and stared at her. At that moment he wonder if he did the right thing by coming in here. Beric did say she wanted to be alone.

The moment he started to turn away, the smallest noise was made when he stepped on a twig.

"Didn't I say I wanted to be alone!"Dyanna thought it was Daryn or Larence. Ned sigh and slowly started walking to her.

"I'm sorry, my lady." Dyanna scrunch her eyebrows and quickly turn around. "Who are you?" Dyanna ask. Ned froze, he did not know what to say. He cough and preceded to talk.

"I am Beric's squire, my lady." Ned answer. He stood near the fire. He could feel Dyanna stare on him.

"I didn't know he had a squire. You look a little young." Dyanna commented. Ned smiles. "Squires are usually young, my lady."

"I'm not a lady." Dyanna scoffed. Ned sighs. "I didn't mean to offend you, my la... sorry." Dyanna nodded. Ned didn't know what to say. He just stood there.

"Do you need something?" Dyanna ask, she was getting annoyed that this boy was staring at her. She didn't care if he was Beric's squire. He wanted him to leave her alone.

"I-I...I" Ned stutter on his words. He knew he shouldn't have came. He should have listened to Beric.

Dyanna didn't know why the boy in front of her was nervous. Dyanna had decided to give him a break.

"My name is Dyanna. Now what's your name." Ned relaxed a little. He swallowed all his nerves.

"Ned." Dyanna didn't expect to hear that name. The name of the man that raise her.

"Ned... that's a good name. I knew someone with that name. He was the most honorable man I ever known." Dyanna hold the tears in her eyes. She didn't want to cry in front of young Ned.

"Beric told me he was. I never meet him...well I did see him once." Ned stares at Dyanna. "At the Hands tourney, beside him was his daughter and beside him was you. I wanted to speak to him."

Dyanna try to remember the tourney. It felt so long ago. She saw so many people but she didn't recognize Ned.

"Why did you want to speak to him?" Dyanna ask.

"I heard stories about him." Ned was vague.

"What kind of stories?" Dyanna ask.
"War stories. The one that doesn't have a happy ending." Dyanna scrunch he eyebrows. Ned stares at the fire and begins to say.

"They said Ned Stark was in love with my aunt. But everything change when Ned Stark killed my uncle." Dyanna notice Ned's eyes. They were clear, almost like purple. Like a Targaryen, but not quit. Almost like a...

"You're the baby. Aunt Ashara gave to Lord Stark." Dyanna stood up and quietly stare at Ned.

"How do..."

"I am Ned Dayne. Well Edric Dayne of Starfall."

Dyanna was surprised even shock. She was not even near Starfall and here she is meeting her cousin.

Ned stood quietly taking it in. Dyanna walked slowly to him. "I never thought I meet another Dayne."Dyanna admits.

Ned smiles. "Me either."

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