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"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."

Dyanna Dayne had receive news she's been waiting ever since she left Winterfell

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Dyanna Dayne had receive news she's been waiting ever since she left Winterfell. Bran had awoken from his slumber. She was happy to receive the great news before heading to what she thought is the worst place in the entire kingdom. Kings Landing.

Ned Stark had killed Lady by the order of the King. Arya and Sansa were fighting and Dyanna didn't know what to do. When they first arrive Dyanna thought Kings landing would be beautiful because it is the place where the royal family lives. But it wasn't. You could tell the low borns were fascinating to see Northerners. Most think they are savages.

Lord Stark had put Dyanna in charge of the girls. He hope she would make them stop fighting. Ned Stark was risk away to attend a council meeting. Leaving Dyanna all alone. She had no one. She felt out of place. If anything she wish she was back in Winterfell causing trouble. But here, she had to be the prefect Lady.

Arya, Sansa, Dyanna and their Septa are all around a table eating. Arya is stabbing a knife into the table between her fingers. Dyanna has not touch her food. She did not feel hungry.

"Enough of that, young lady. Eat your food. Dyanna, you haven't touch your food?" Arya had turn to Septa. "I'm practicing."

"Practicing for what?" It was the first time Sansa talk to Arya.

"The Prince." Arya said. Steps had yelled at Arya. "Arya, stop!"

"He's a liar and a coward and he killed my friend." Dyanna knew this would explode. "The Hound killed your friend."

"The Hound does whatever the Prince tells him to do." Arya was furious. The Hound had killed the butcher's boy. No one paid any attention. He was just another a low born boy the Lannister took away. "You're an idiot."

"You're a liar. And if you told the truth, Mycah would be alive." Arya scream at Sansa. Dyanna had enough.

"Stop! Stop all of this now!" Arya stop and look at Dyanna. Dyanna was piss. This was exactly what the Lannister's want. "No more." Dyanna whisper.

Septa Mordane begins escorting Arya away from the table as Ned walks in.

"What's happening here?"

"Arya would rather act like a beast than a lady." Arya had not look at at her father. "Go to your room. We'll speak later. That's for you, love..." He handed a gift to Sansa. He felt sorry, he had taken her direwolf away. Ned places a wrapped package in front of Sansa on the table.

"The same dollmaker makes all of Princess Myrcella's toys. Don't you like it?" Dyanna smile. Ned was making an effort of making his daughter happy. "I haven't played with dolls since I was eight. May I be excused?" Sansa place the doll down. Dyanna smile disappear.

"You've barely eaten a thing." Septa commented. "It's all right. Go on." Sansa gets up from the table, leaving only Ned, Dyanna and Septa Mordane.

"War was easier than daughters." He said. Dyanna stood up. "Excuse me. I'm not very hungry." Before any could say anything she had already left.
Dyanna was in her room. That was the only place she could practice without anyone bothering her. She heard a knock and ran to hide her sword. "Coming!" She said.

When she open the door, it was Lord Stark. "What have I done now?" She ask. Ned smile. When she was little She was always causing trouble and Catelyn would always punish her to her room. Dyanna was always mad at Lady Stark for getting her in trouble but Ned always came to her to make her happy. He did promise, he will always make her happy.

"Arya has a sword. Did you know?" Arya might had slip to her that Jon had given her a sword she had name him Needle. Every great sword has a name. "Maybe." She whisper. Ned sigh.

"Dyanna I know you don't like it here." Dyanna sigh, she was born South in Dorne but her true home is The North and it will always be. "But Sansa and Arya need you. I need you here to protect your sisters." Dyanna looked at Ned. He had never mentioned Sansa and Arya as her sisters. Ned Stark didn't have to tell her that they are her sisters, she already knew. She was there for them the day since they were born. The Stark's are her family even if she does not have there blood or there name.

" I don't want to frighten you, but I won't lie to you either. We've come to a dangerous place. We cannot fight a war amongst ourselves." Dyanna looked into Ned Stark eyes. If you look closely you can see fear in his eyes. She had never seen him like this.

"I'll try my best. But it's hard, I have known nothing but the North. It different. People are different. We can't trust people here can we?" Ned Stark sigh. She was right. "Look at me. You might not be a Stark of Winterfell. But I raise you like one. You know our words." Dyanna smile.

"Winter is coming."

"You were born in the long summer of Dorne. But now winter is truly coming. And in the winter, we must protect ourselves, look after one another." Dyanna looked at him. "Who will protect you?" Ned didn't know what to say. "Don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine." Ned assure his "daughter".

"But someone should protect. Jory or..." Ned kiss her on her forehead. "I'll be fine, little wolf." He stood up and turn around to say one last thing. "Be careful." And he left Dyanna sitting with many thoughts.
Dyanna thought it be nice to have a stroll around the keep. Ned did warn her not to spy around, people could be anywhere.

Keep was beautiful. Stories of the keep couldn't compare of seeing it in real life. Dyanna had not paid attention to a knight who had stop and stared at her. Busy staring down at a drawing.

"Whats so interesting of this art?" Dyanna turn around to see a knight. He had a white Cape. This meant he was in the Kingsguard.

"Nothing Ser, it's just very unique." Dyanna said. The knight smile. "You must not be around here, my thought is you have travel with Lord Stark." The knight said. Dyanna nodded.

"Your a knight?" She ask. The knight smile kindly. "Indeed I am. Ser Barristan Selmy, My lady." Dyanna had heard that name many times before. He was the Lord commander of the Kingsguard.

"Dyanna Dayne, Ser Barristan." Barristan had heard that the Dayne girl had travel with the Stark. There was a certain Dayne that Barristan was infatuated with.

"House Dayne has serve the Kingsguard greatly." Ser Barristan exclaim. "I hope many more are to come."

"Depends on which King to come is worthy to fight for." Dyanna knew after Robert, Joffrey will reign and would anyone want to fight for him.

"Your are right My lady. Your father served under Aerys II Targaryen. Maybe that said something about your father." Ser Barristan knew Arthur Dayne. He fight alongside him in the rebellion. He was loyal to Rhaegar Targaryen until his dying day. He was truly a loyal supporter of House Targaryen. He only wish he was that loyal to them.

"My father was loyal to his King, he fought bravely. If I might say you were also a part of the The mad King Kingsguard. Now you serve a new King. Who out through the Targaryens." Ser Barristan didn't mean to offend the lady he only wanted to tell her where he stood.

"Yes you father loyalty is what many wish for. I did serve House Targaryen and now I serve House Baratheon. My vow is to the King I pledge for until my dying day." You take a vow and you can never break it. Before Arthur Dayne died he take a vow and broke it. But breaking it gave him the most important person in his life, his daughter. He fought for Rhaegar, he died for Rhaegar.

"Your father was my brother. And if you need anything my lady, it would be my honor to help you as best as I can." Ser Barristan truly meant it. He lived in Kingslanding for so long and people who are foreign to Kingslanding most likely get used. He did not want that for Dyanna Dayne.

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