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"Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities

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"Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities."
News had broken out of Bran's fallen. News also had broken out that Jon Snow was to take the Black. Dyanna knew this was difficult times for the Stark Family. She needed to be on her best.

Catelyn Stark had not left Bran alone once. Sobs could be heard from his room. A mother losing her children was the worst feeling someone should ever receive.

Dyanna needed to see Bran. She had to know he was well. On her way to his room she could here someone with lady Stark.

"17 years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon. You came back a year later with another woman's son and a Dead man's daughter. And now you're leaving again." Dyanna had stood behind the door. She knew the story with Ned and Catelyn. Bringing back not only one baby but two really upsets Catelyn. Children who weren't hers.

"I have no choice."  Ned sounded tire of arguing. He was the Lord and he made the final decision.

"That's what men always say when honor calls. That's what you tell your families, tell yourselves. You do have a choice. And you've made it. I can't do it, Ned. I really can't." Catelyn was defeated. She was losing her children and her husband and one her he children is in a life or death solution.

"You can. You must." Catelyn Stark was born a Tully and there words wee " Family. Duty. Honor." Three words to live on. Ned Stark left his wife in the room. It was two late for Dyanna to hide and Ned had found her.

"You should say your goodbyes. We be leaving soon, Dyanna." Ned had not acknowledge of her spying and left.

Dyanna had knock and enter the chamber. Catelyn has been knitting and crying. Dyanna look at Bran and he looked dead.

"I came to say Goodbye." Dyanna said. Catelyn did not respond and kept knitting.

Dyanna walk forwards to Bran. And kneel to his height.

"I wish I could be here when you awake. I know you will. I pray on the old gods and the new and any other god that is out there to bring you home. Maybe when I return  you be awake and we can go ride horses. You are the strongest person I know and you need to fight your hardest." Catelyn look at Dyanna. The truth was If Bran will awake his legs would be in no use. He will be a cripple.

"He will be cripple. He can not ride horses! He will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life! I want you to leave." Dyanna ignore Catelyn and look at Bran one last time. She kiss his forehead.

"Please wake up." Dyanna stood up and left the mother and child.
Dyanna, Robb and Jon were all close in age. Born doing the rebellion. But growing up both Dyanna and Jon were in the shadows of Robb. He was the heir of the North and would be the North's next Warden. He was the true child of Ned Stark. Dyanna and Jon were just his Bastard and a child who he had taken in. It won't be long before she would find a suitor who would take her alway from The North. Once it does happen the three would be split up forever. Jon a member of the Nights Watch, Robb the Warden of the North, Dyanna a lady of a noble house. There lives were already plan.

"So you really doing it, Snow?" Dyanna had found Jon packing and getting his horse ready. Jon turn around and nodded.

"Uncle Benjen will be accompanying me. I finally take the Black." Jon said. Dyanna smile and hug him. Jon smile, he will not see Dyanna for a very long time maybe it would be his last time seeing her. He treasure this potentially last moment to the girl he will always call his sister.

"Black was always your Color. Maybe next time I see you, you're be a ranger or maybe even Lord Commander."Dyanna had hope and pray this wouldn't be the last of Jon Snow.

"So long Dayne!" Jon mounted his house. Dyanna smile

"Goodbye Snow." Dyanna and Jon parted way.
Dyanna was annoyed of all the things Sansa had to say about Joffrey. Honestly she couldn't believe someone like Joffrey would be King someday. She left Sansa so she could get some fresh air.

Dyanna had made contact with The Hound. He was burnt on one side of his face. Dyanna tried not to look.

"Do I frighten the little lady?" The Hound smirk. Dyanna slowly look up at him. "You don't frighten me Ser."

The Hound has one of his wicked smirk. "Your not a Stark Bitch. What Bitch are you?" Dyanna was not use to this kind of language. Theon had use many curse words but tried not to in front of Dyanna.

"Dyanna...Dayne, Ser." The Hound looks at her. His smirk disappear.

"The fucking daughter of the famous Kingsguard?" The Hound ask. Dyanna slowly nodded. The Dayne girl felt uncomfortable under his glaze.

"Stupid Dog. Is he annoying you My lady?" If anything couldn't get worse. Sansa and Joffrey has join them.

"No, your grace. We were just having a conversation." Dyanna told him. Joffrey look at the Hound a stare with disgust. "Go away dog, don't bother, Lady Dayne again." The Hound roll his eyes and left the royal prick.

"Don't worry, my lady. He won't bother you again." Sansa smile at Joffrey.

"My brave King." Dyanna had roll her eyes when no one was looking.
"Thank you, your grace. But if you excuse me." Dyanna could not deal with the Lannister. And wonder how Sansa could deal with him.
The Lions had attack the wolves. Dyanna, Sansa and Arya were order in there rooms by Jory. King Robert has order the killing of Lady.

Dyanna knew this would be the first of many attacks coming in the ways of the Stark family. What they didn't know was this wasn't the Lions first Attack.

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