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Evelyn POV*

"EVELYN GOOD MORNING!!!," Rosemi came running crashing into me for a hug.
"Good morning Rosemi" I replied
This is normal it's just the normal schedule everyday. We walked off to class with people glaring at us.
Rosemi asked, " Heard your looking for another part time job! Why not try out for NIJISANGI EN? Their looking for another member for obsydia~"
I was not expecting this but I just nodded and she was jumping around me like she was drunk.
The teacher went in and we continued with focussing on the teacher. It's strange because both of us knew each other since a young age but we are taking the Medi course and we are both the top students it just seems slightly off.
Here's a slight introduction I had a sister and mother but they are dead but my father disowned me so here I am with Rosemi's family as my godparents. But I'm more responsible so I go to school earlier and just meet Rosemi at school. And Rosemi already joined NIJISANJI so she just lives at a place where the NIJI company offers.

After school Rosemi leads me to the NIJISANJI building where I can sign up. I just filled in a form and went home. Rosemi just simply split our ways and meet her tomorrow.

When I arrived home I greeted my godmother and godfather had a chat with them (I don't want to write it). I went up to my room and checked my email and saw the notification. I surprisingly jumped up and down yelling "I got in! I got in!"

Remember when Rosemi said "another" part time job? I don't really call it a job it's honestly just posing for the cam but sure... I am after all a model. I barely model anymore because I don't get as much requests as I first started so I decided to take another one. 

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