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It's morning right now about 7:00am. I quickly dressed up into a crop top and skirt. I went down and noticed how no one was downstairs so I entered the kitchen took flour, egg and sugar mixed it in a bowl added milk and started cooking pancakes. I made 60 and put three in each plate. One small slice of butter on top of each one.

I carried them out and set them in every single one out. Nina came down the stairs fully dressed.
"Good morning~" I said and of course she replied with a "good morning hunny~ I never knew you could cook?"
"What do you mean I can't cook? Of course I can cook, who can't cook here?" I asked.

Nina just have me a smile and said, "you'll find out soon hunny..."
Oh shi- I thought there has to be someone here who can't cook but who is it???? Whatever I'll find out soon anyways. All the rest of the girls came down it was like 7:30 am.
(Why did I auto correct gave me cm instead of am)

"GOOD MORNING EARLY BIRDS!!" Selen said to me and Nina. "Morning" all the rest of the girls just said. Rosemi ran up to me gave me a big hug since it was a long time since we woke up and saw each other I wasn't so used to her hugging me so early but whatever.

"Who cooked these? They are soo good!!! Nina did you cook these?" Reimu asked.
"No, Evelyn cooked these pancakes. I KNOW SHE IS SUCH A GOOD COOK SHE NEEDS TO COOK FOR US MORE!!!!!" Nina very 'simply' replied.

Welp they all finished their breakfast and went to a close by mall. I went off with Enna first and she suggested that we get out nails done. But like we have school tomorrow but whatever she just dragged me there. While getting our nails done we saw the boys coming in... I wonder what they were doing here... turns out Uki just wants his nails to be back into a pretty shape... how extra.

(I've never got my nails done do pulling them off hurt?)

Next all of us (except for the boys) went to the boutique and went on shopping for clothing. Honestly my closet was already full so I just went to the shoe section to get some heels. I met Ike there... "hello Ike, I you seem to have an interest in heels" I said. "Ohh sure he does he is very like VERY obsessed with wearing heals... he has so many pairs of shoes that you can't even imagine how much he has," Shu (shoe) said. Well I just bought a pair of white heel boots or whatever you call them. Ike got a pair of runners if your asking what he got. Honestly it took him soooooo long to choose which Color he wanted... I wonder how long were we here for already...

"Hey, are you worried? Your debut is today," Ike said tapping my shoulder.
"No, not really it was sweet of you for asking? I honestly don't seem like it but I really like really love talking to new people, especially when we open up to each other it's so easy to get along!" I replied while clapping my hands.

All of us were surrounded by so many fans of NIJISANJI... I'm honestly used to this but the others seem pretty uncomfortable... I just tapped Elira the shoulder (wait isn't her dragoon on her shoulder? Nevermind just pretend the dragoon isn't here) "why is everyone so uncomfortable? You need to face this everyday tho..." I asked. Since I was at the back I couldn't really see what's happening in front of us. "A person is proposing their love to Mysta ... this is not normal since Mysta rejected them and they are threatening to kill Luca and hunt him down..."

This is not normal now their a psycho oh my god this is scary right before my debut this could be the worst thing to happen. Luckily I always carry a gun with me (pretend that there is such thing as a license that allows you to kill someone here). I walked through the crowd and stood next to a person in our group of people who happen to be in the front of the scene. I saw the person, they were holding a gun and they were pointing it at Luca's forehead. This is just mad very mad oh my god... how could I deal with it? Kick them in the stomach of course! but of course I can't do that... OR CAN I?????? 

I went up to the female that was pointing her gun at Luca and asked, "Who do you think you are? Pointing a gun at someone? Why do you even have a gun in the first place? I bet you didn't pass your license exam." She grew tomato red (lmao I'm thinking of a person with a tomato head sorry for ruining the moment~) and yelled, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE APROACHING ME AND SAYING THOSE THINGS AT ME? ARE YOU ONE OF HIS FRIENDS? OHHH I WILL MAKE HIM SUFFER FOR REJECTING ME." "Gurlie, you need to like need to calm down think, are you doing the right thing? If you are doing this don't you think it would be harder for Mysta to like you? haha get a life dear," I replied to her with a sly smile on my face. She removed the gun and pointed it at me, I kept my smile, took out a small handy knife from my pocket, went more close towards her as if we are almost kissing (imagine if they did) and pointed the knife at her. 

"Who is so brave now?" I said slyly. I could literally see her shivering in her skin. Too bad she started it so I had no choice. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME PSYCHO!" She replied. "When was I the psycho? You threatened to kill Luca? I never started the fight you did." I so simply replied. Luckily the cops had just arrived. I showed them my license and they thanked me for not killing her yet, honestly I think she deserved a painful imprisonment soooo they dragged the random women off while she was screaming at how she would get revenge. Haha as if she would get out of jail soon.  

"Thank you!!!" Luca yelled half crying half laughing. I just nodded not wanting to create worse of a situation. I just said, "Your welcome, let's go back home shall we?" Honestly I was nervous if they would want to stay here more because it was obvious maybe the psycho earlier brought some of her 'friends'. Luckily they noticed where I was going and we just went back home. 

(Wooh! done another chap! Hehe sorry for interrupting so many times I just found this chapter funny... JUST REMEMBER THAT THIS IS NOT REAL PLEASE!!!!!! Anyways~ I'll be doing weekly updates but if I didn't do an update that week I just might be busy with school. Sorry ; ̄▽ ̄)

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