Actual presentation

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(Lol we're back to Evelyn's pov now, please enjoy~)

I slammed my books on the table and groaned, "What is this day..."
All I wanted was a peaceful life, but seems like the tables will turn...

I just started my stream it was a normal horror game. As usual the chat was hoping for me to scream but seems like they absolutely failed. Not even a stutter from me. To review I didn't talk too much, how can I find a topic to talk about if I'm so disturbed by that professor????? 

After the stream, I started designing the presentation view, I put a few chibi faces of NIJISANJI EN on the front cover, and kinda decorated it with that aesthetic cute style you know with the pins and swirls????? 

Went downstairs to get a cup of water, I thought all of them were in their rooms since it was so quiet and it was simply impossible for them do be so quiet if they were all together.  It was finaly peace. Or I thought so... 

(did you think I'll seriously leave you there?)

"Hey? Where are you going?" I heard a voice question

Ofcourse, Uki how could he not be here because of Alban. I bet he was very upset. I do feel slightly sorry but still not completely, I wasn't really in the mood for talking so I smiled, "Oh, how pleasent it is to see you here Uki, I just happen to get a cup of water!"

"I know it's more then that... the grim look on you and Rosemi's face isn't visable, most of the time you and Rosemi are laughing at each other's jokes, even at the saddest moments," Uki worried. 

"Ohhh , well you see that this certain professer tried to ask Rosemi out, He tried to threaten to kill all of us and he also held me with a knife in my throat but unfortunately for him a cleaner came in his room and he told us we were dismissed," I explained, "That glare he gave Rosemi wasn't really relaxing, I'm scared that he'll turn up in our room any time these days."

"Hah, don't forget your living with magical people," Uki scoffed, "Rosemi can control vines, I have psychic powers, Nina has those sparks that can bind people or smth and she also has extreme luck, Sonny's an officer, well we all know that Alban's a theif haha, hmmm Finana is a feesh, and Elira and Selen have dragons."

"True true, but he has to have a way since this school does teach magical creatures and you already exposed your identity on social media," I protested. 

"Well we just have to wait for that bitch to arrive then," Uki insulted my math teacher. 

I smiled at his comment I guess he already finished studying, I also did but we need the rest to agree on my design and especially the importance of the content this would be a long week as expected. 

I checked the time and saw it was almost time to make dinner. I headed of to the kitchen I made rice but I was aware that Ike didn't really have egg so I changed the egg to a small portion of chicken and Uki loved egg so I just gave him an omelet that said thank you written in ketchup. 

 (kiki thanks for telling me it was good, I never tried it yet haha)

I wasn't a big fan of yelling since after yelling it makes my throat sore and I don't want that to happen because I'll be talking back to many people tomorrow. As setting up I spotted Uki sitting on the couch still, he faced me with a questioning look and I just smiled at how awkward this was. I tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey can you call the others to come down? I checked their schedules pretty sure none of them are streaming currently."

"Sure, I got you," Uki laughed, now I'm worried. 

Fuck this shit, it was never this loud before as the rest came down, they looked half dead to my opinion. HONESTLY it's just studying. This is absolutely ridiculous, I don't think that some of them are very intelligent to be honest I can only trust Enna, Shu, Ike, Nina (since she's mom) and Rosemi (Ofcourse). They sat in their seats quietly I actually appreciated this moment because it was the first taste of peace in this house for me and I was very happy about it.

"大家吃饭" I said, and cut open my omelet (yes your author does follow a LOT of chinese traditions). 

I felt many pairs of eyes staring at me, I half knew what was going on because I made hearts with ketchup for them because I felt bad for snapping. 

"Hey, Uki told us what happened on discord it's fine, your just worried all of like this hunny," Nina comforted. 

"Hey!!! This omelet rice is POG!!!!! I love it so much you need to cook for us more Evelyn!!!! I can't wait to see how you are like in collabs!!!! I bet it is going to be POG!!!!!!!!!" it was said by no one else except for dear Luca, our totally evil golden retriever. 

"Thanks Luca, I can't wait to be in a collab with you," I cheered. 

"Wait, how did you know I don't prefer to have eggs?" Ike questionared lol. 

"I watch my kohai's streams ofcourse, and it's obvious it's written all over your face!" I teased. "besides I'm senpai because I debuted in an older group haha"

"WOAHHHH THAT MEANS YOUR MOST OF OUR SENPAI'S EXCEPT FOR LAZULIGHT" Yugo cheered. How cute he can be sometimes but he is also known as NIJISANJI EN's so called dirt kid...

"Yeah I guess, and I made the theme for the presentation already, I'll share the document with you all later and another thing is that we need to agree on the content because this is an important presentation even if the teachers could lower our grades, it will be very useful for me and Rosemi's personal job in the future" I stated. 

"You wont be streaming in the future?" Shu asked. 

"We will be streaming you idiot this is a part time job remember??? I can't believe your called Yaminerd and you can't even answer the real thing called part time jobs?? Besides NIJISANJI EN will be wayyy bigger by time we start having our jobs," Rosemi criticized Shu. 

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