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"Yoho~ How about we go to an anime convention? It's so boring to stay inside and play games," I complained.

"POG DEFINETLY (dear author doesn't know how to use pog properly)"

"Fine, I'll go"

"As long as everyone has fun hunny"


I was pleased with everyone's answers and got out, "Whacha'll waitin for?"

I smirked and rushed off to my room. Ya'll remember the cosplay we made just last chap?

Welllllll, I'm gonna were it today for the anime convention!

I put on the hug layers of cloth on, and put the wig on, then went downstairs

I felt all eyes turn straight to me.

"HUNNY!!!! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!! DID YOU MAKE THAT YOURSELF???" Nina rushed over to me.

"I did make it myself, infact I was planning on asking ya'll to come to the anime fair later on but I guess today is the perfect day!" I smiled. (Ofcourse I forgor to add that I also did my makeup).

We went to the anime convention and well ofcourse we were 'asumed' to be cosplayers (not really). To be honest I was strangled my the crowds. I am NEVER and will NEVER be a fan of crowds.

I smiled and slowly took pictures with everyone in line. Honestly I'm surprised so many people know TGCF but I bet some of the people are just taking pictures with me to copy my design and also how pretty cosplay looks.

Obviously I went around stores to split myself up with the others to get rid of the main crowd. I also left early while contacting them that I left the animation fair. I sense an aura following me. It felt so creepy and scary. Luckily I carried a blade that was part of the cosplay. My hand touched it so it is in reach for killing. As I felt the aura come closer I turned around just intime to spot a...

blade on my neck. I jumped back. Clang! My blade clashed with theirs. I glared at the person, "psychopath what are you doing here. I wonder what guts you have to even touch me. I promise that this will be the end of YOUR life. Not mine."

"What's going on here?" Ike was holding Yugo's hand out of the toilet. I didn't respond and glared at the person that was attacking me. They turned into black dust and faded away. Something makes me feel like we will see a group of that person again. 

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