Happy Halloween!!!

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"IT'S HALLOWEEEN!!!! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!" I yelled suddenly feeling excited. I mean After all I already dressed up in my costume. The feathers are certainly very heavy but I'll manage. The dress should be the main part. I even had trouble going down stairs...

"Wow that's a huge halloween costume you have there..." Ike commented. Like hell I know it's a huge costume. I'm still stuck on the stairs (/ω\). 

"Mind helping me a bit? These wings are huge," I requested. I'm pretty sure that Ike will get the hint. 

And he did. He just nodded and helped me cary the wings on my back as I went down the stairs. Of course I thanked him and we waited while scrolling through twitter orrr (I'll leave that scenario for ya'll NOTHING SUSSY k?)

As the others came down they all commented how pretty my costume looked. I just held a smile and behind the scenes it's s hard to take. 

As expected, children came here to ask for candy. All of us took turns giving out candy either getting screams from fans or complemented of how good our costume looked like. Or are you sure it's our costumes????

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