A warm welcome (2)

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The dinner was fried rice. It was certainly enjoyable, I wonder what did Nina put in it?
I asked, "Who will be hosting my debut steam?"
"It will be Selen and Rosemi don't forget Ike too," Vox replied.
"POGGGG IKE IS HOSTING AGAIN" Luca said, I smiled and said "All of you are so sweet haha, I'll be preparing the document now."
I rolled my eyes at her and went up to my room turned on the PC and started with making the backdrops.

*Ike pov
I was surprised that Rosemi yelled out how to not write a thousand word paragraph, she doesn't seem like a person that is very smart but the community doesn't know that they are siblings as they act as if their friends. Before hand Rosemi said that she doesn't really care if she is bullied but she will straight up stand up for people who get bullied. Like how I experienced but honestly it is just normal since we are popular with females. It is straight up so. annoying. Luckily Rosemi saved at that time asking us to work together. She also said that the new member also studies here so we will work together.

Mysta popped up breaking the silence, "Hey Ike you seem to have already met the new member before, where did you meet her?"
I just simply replied, " it's nothing I just saw her while walking through the hallway... and another thing, the replies on the tweet that she is debuting two days later aren't really friendly I think we should keep an eye on her debut."

Rosemi just nodded but she said, "I saw the comments I think that we need to see her chat since we can't really see her chat on the stream me Ike and Selen are at, I think-"
"All of us will watch her debut," Vox said.

Honestly their sure making a big fuss about her because for the other debuts they got like no hate or either that the hate would have disappeared by now haha. I'm glad there were also so many people supporting her though.

Nina went away for a while to make dessert for us she said she will make pudding today. I thought about how Evelyn I think her name was? But whatever she did frown but it's not normal to see anyone have negative emotions in this house but it faded very like very quickly. I started to wonder if that was a fake smile to just tune down how worried we all were.

Vox helped Nina put the pudding down on the dining table and Rosemi yelled, "DESSERT IS READY!!!"
No response, Rosemi tried again and that was when all of us started to get worried. "Nina, Vox, Rosemi, Uki? Lets go ahead and check on her and bring her down?" I said. I thought about who to choose since they were the one of the most responsible people not wanting to bring Luca because if she is sleeping, I bet Luca would just run up to her and say POG WE HAVE DESSERT. And it wouldn't be very pleasant if I was woken up like that...

We went up to her room Nina knocked on it... no response...knock knock knock nothing... I opened the room door discovering it wasn't locked unlike all of us who normally lock our doors. We go inside her room and see a figure on the white, gold silver desk. When we went up towards her to shake her awake, when we went close we found that Evelyn was shivering and there were tears flowing our her eyes. It honestly hurt so much to see her that way. Her head shot straight up once we got close to her.

*Evelyn pov

I woke up, oh my god another nightmare and it's again of how my sister died in the car crash... it's very a lot since she was the only one who used to play with me. I somehow can't get over my sister's and mother's death. I looked around the room and saw Ike, Nina, Vox, Rosemi and Uki standing around me. (Why do I find this funny)
Nina just said, "what dream were you having?"
"Never mind that we should just have dessert" Ike said.

Sooo we went down to have dessert and it was honestly pretty awkward since the people who went to fetch me was didn't even utter a word... I wonder if they were thinking about what was I dreaming about honestly. Rosemi then spoke up saying that, "hey since we need to know each other more, let's go on a female shopping date tomorrow!"
"Sure, I already finished the debut presentation, but how about the school one?" I asked.
"God the teachers only told us to make groups that's it and here we are~" Selen just said.

I wonder... how sensible can these people be? Welp it's night now sooo "goodnight," I just simply said.
"Good night!" They all replied.

A/N sorry for not updating lately I have school and I just lost my inspiration for a while I'm so sorry the last part of the chapter is so rushed and the angst is just so hard to write for me... in simpler words I can't make ppl cry but others can hahah (▔∀▔)

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