~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~

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Days passed achingly slowly as Olivia healed throughout the late fall and into the early days of winter. December crept into New York City, bringing sparkling white flakes and streams of red and green filtering the city into a winter wonderland. Fast approaching was the birth of two babies that Olivia would tackle alone, sure her mom would be there for support, but Trevor wouldn't be, yet nothing could change that. 

However, the new friendship blooming steadily between herself and Amanda seemed to be moving on solid ground. Olivia was thankful for it as she slipped into the coffee shop a few blocks from the precinct and brushed the snow from her shoulders as she took the back booth.

“Hey, ” Amanda smiled, entering the small coffee shop around the corner from the precinct.

“Hi, ” Olivia smiled, removing her swollen body from the booth to greet her friend with a hug.

“Look at you, ” Amanda beamed, holding Olivia at arm's length after their hug.

“It’s right around the corner, I can feel it, " Olivia chuckled, "they’ll be here before I know it and I’ll go from being a mom of three to five, I can’t believe it’s happening."

“It’s been a long few months of healing for you and your family, but you’ve handled it with grace, you're amazing.”

“Thank you, Amanda, that means a lot. So, how is the precinct surviving without me?” Olivia questioned with a chuckle.

“We’re staying afloat, but I’ll be happy when you come back, you are coming back, right?”

“Yes, " Olivia nods, "I promise, they can't keep me away forever, however, I won't return until after these two make their arrival. My body can't quite handle all it's been through between the accident and growing two babies, I'm often left exhausted.”

"Understandable, your body is doing a lot on top of raising three kids, it's understandable you're tired."

Olivia nodded, letting herself sink back and glance at the menu their waitress had dropped off. The pair ordered coffee, tea, and breakfast before Amanda caught Olivia up on the happenings in the precinct, and Olivia filled in the new happenings in her kids' lives and the new house. Olivia had decided to continue building the new home she and Trevor had started, hoping it could be the forever home for her kids, her, and someone else if she decided to ever date again.

“The house is moving along nicely, ” Amanda smiled, handing Olivia her phone back after getting through the updated pictures, “when will it be livable?”

“Not until summer, most likely, so we’ll be with my parents until then, " Olivia smiled, "I’m not complaining though, I’m so thankful to have them through this all. They probably would’ve come to stay with us upon the arrival of these babies anyway, so it’s easier for everyone this way.” 

“That will give you time to settle into a rhythm before you get to the new house, so that’s good.”

"Yeah, " Olivia nods.

"How are you doing, Liv? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. There's just a lot going on and Trevor was supposed to be here for all of it. The holidays are just around the corner and that's harder than I thought it would be because not only is it our first holiday season without Elliot it's our first holiday season without Trevor, " Olivia sniffles, pushing tears off her cheeks, "and I didn't get any holidays with Trevor. Our time was so short with each other and it's not fair."

Olivia inhaled sharply, the tears coming from nowhere and slipping like a waterfall down her cheeks. She sniffled and tried to breathe into her tightening chest to no avail.

"Woah, " Amanda spoke, shock quickly covering her features as she stood and slid next to Olivia, "breathe, Liv, breathe."

"I, my, I, " Olivia stuttered, reaching for Amanda's hand.

"Hey hey, easy, in and out, " Amanda nodded, flagging down a waitress for a glass of water with her free hand.

The waitress returned with the glass of water and Amanda guided Liv's shaky hand to help her take a few sips. Her breathing mellowed as she rested her head on Amanda's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Amanda questioned, still holding Olivia's hand.

"Yeah, " Olivia nodded.

"Does that happen often?"

"No, I just got myself worked up, and now have exhausted myself for the day, " Olivia chuckled.

"It's okay, you need and deserve the rest. I'll take you home, come on."

"I can get there myself, " Olivia nods.

"You sure?" 

"Yeah, I should get going, thanks for breakfast, " Olivia smiled, gathering her coat and making a dash for her SUV.


Olivia was halfway home, stuck on the bridge in some type of sort of traffic pileup when it began to snow. The nerves seemed to bubble in her chest as the heavy flakes began to cover her windshield. Traffic moved gradually as a dull pain started in Olivia's back.

"Fuck, " Olivia mumbled under her breath, running a hand over her belly.

The pain came and went slowly, but Olivia knew the pattern all too well. She shifted uncomfortably behind the steering wheel, caressing her bump as she made her way to the shoulder of the packed bridge.

"Goddamnit, " she muttered, putting on her emergency flashers and reaching for her phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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