Chapter 23.

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The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Fourth of July in Cousins is all about traditions. Susannah decks out the whole house, the dads come up for the weekend, the boys steam clams and shoot off fireworks, and I would occupy myself at the beach.

All the other Fourth of Julys, I was tagging along. But, now I have friends. I have plans.

"Hey, can I finish your milk?" Jeremiah asked. Y/n nodded and handed her bowl over to Jeremiah, "Go ahead."

"Yo, I'm gonna go wash the clams." Conrad informed, "Did you get the lighter fluid?"

"Mm! Yeah, it's already on the beach." Jeremiah told his brother as Conrad whistled in response before walking away.

"Are we done with the portrait, yet?" Steven asked, looking back at Susannah. "Yeah, for today." Susannah replied, "But, you do look good in a dress shirt, Steven."

"Oh. Which makes me think if Belly doesn't hurry up and ask Cam to that ball, you should take her." Susannah suggested to Steven as Belly's face morphed into one of disgust.

"Ew! No way!" Belly denied, face scrunching up in detest. Y/n found herself laughing with Jeremiah which earned her a harsh slap from Belly.

"Yeah, no, no, no. I'm already going with Shayla." Steven quickly informed Susannah. "To the debutante ball?" Laurel questioned.

Steven nodded, "Yes."

"As an escort?" Laurel questioned, a hesitant look on her face. "Wrap your head around it, mom. Alright?" Steven told his mom, "Shayla's coming over with Nicole and Gigi so you'll meet her."

Laurel gave Steven a look. "That's wonderful." Susannah said, smiling at Laurel. "Oh, and don't forget, Ms. Covington's first dance rehearsal is tomorrow so, uh, tick-tock." Susannah reminded the twins.

"I'm asking Cam today." Belly informed, smiling. "Oh, finally!" Y/n said, laughing. "Oh! And Atlas is coming over."

Laurel looked at Susannah, "I don't know my kids anymore."

Susannah took a double look at her best friend, "Wait. Are you wearing makeup?"

Laurel glanced at Susannah before looking away. "Oh, my — she definitely is." Steven stated, disbelief in his tone.

"Yeah, she's wearing makeup!"

Jeremiah and Y/n made noises of teasing as Laurel became flustered. "So what? We're having a party!" Laurel tried to defend herself.

"Mm-hm. I'm sure it has nothing to do with John coming to the clam bake?" Susannah questioned, glancing at Laurel.

"Oh, please. The husbands always come for the Fourth." Laurel rolled her eyes.

Belly scoffed, "He's not your husband anymore."

Laurel stared at her daughter as awkward silence filled the kitchen. "Oops, yeah." Laurel nervously chuckled, "Ex-husband."

"You know, I still don't understand why you invited dad's girlfriend." Steven told his mom.

Laurel gave Steven a look, "Her name is Victoria and your father wanted us all to meet her."

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