Chapter 27.

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The Summer I Turned Pretty

One of my favorite memories of summer in Cousins started with a song and ended with a boy.

A young Y/n was dancing — feet tripping over one another which had the girl going crazy. Belly wasn't any help as she had only been stepping on her sister's feet, sometimes tripping into her as well.

"Steve, I need a new partner. Belly isn't any help." Y/n told her brother, scratching at her head in irritation.

"Hey, you said you wanted someone to dance with you! Not someone who was good!" Belly whined, pushing up her glasses that had slowly began sliding down her nose bridge.

Steven scoffed, "Yeah, right."

Y/n groaned as she rolled her eyes in annoyance — she knew Steven was too stubborn to do anything she asked, let alone dance with her.

"Here, I'll show you." Conrad said, making his move on the chest board before standing up from the chair.

"What about the game?" Steven questioned, looking up at his friend.

"Give me one second." Conrad said, making his last move on the chest board before making his way to Y/n.

Y/n soon realized that Conrad was in front of her — feeling nervousness and excitement bubble up in the pit of her stomach.

"Copy me." Conrad told the girl, smiling. Y/n couldn't help herself but smile back and nod.

"One, two-three."

"One, two-three."

"One, two-three, rock step."

Y/n's eyes slowly drifted away from Conrad and onto her feet — trying to copy what the boy was doing. Though, she felt kind of off unlike the boy in front of her.

"Lemon, you're not even on the beat!" Steven teased, laughing along with Jeremiah. Y/n could only ignore her brother's comments, having no need to feed his assholery.

"How'd you learn to shag?" Y/n asked, curiousness in her tone. "My mom." Conrad answered, smiling. Y/n nodded, chuckling softly as she had the realization that her face was heating up.

Conrad took ahold of Y/n's hand as they continued on dancing — Conrad didn't realize what he was doing in the moment to the girl in front of him. But, neither did Y/n.

"One, two-three."

"Am I getting it now?"

"Yeah, you're doing good. One, two-three, rock step."

Conrad then twirled Y/n, making her back meet his chest which made the girl giggle. Conrad then began twirling Y/n before she then tripped — nearly toppling over Conrad, thankfully the boy had caught her in time.

Y/n found her face heat up in embarrassment, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's fine." Conrad quickly reassured, "Let's try again. Come on."

Y/n laughed softly as she got back into position. Conrad stuck his hands out for the girl to take.

"Sorry, my hands are — are kinda sweaty." Y/n said, chuckling nervously as she pushed up her glasses.

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