Chapter 13.

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The Summer I Turned Pretty


The light-skinned boy stopped in his trek from descending down the stairs, turning around upon hearing his name being called — his eyes lighting up as he realized who it was.

"Lemon! What are doing here?" Atlas asked, walking back up the couple stairs before making his way towards Y/n.

"Well—" Y/n trailed off as she glanced down at her attire. "Wait." Atlas started, "Are you a deb?"

"Yeah — uh, technically I am. I'm here with my sister." Y/n told the boy, smiling sheepishly. "Well, you look beautiful, Conklin." Atlas complimented, making Y/n blush.

Okay, homeboy.

"Even with the hat." Atlas teasingly added in. Y/n scoffed a laugh as she got out of her fangirling-dazyness. "Okay, Jones. Okay." Y/n said with a jokingly 'hurtful' tone, nodding.

"Hey. I'm still waiting on that text." Atlas told Y/n, eyes glinting with sadness. "Oh — shit! I'm so sorry. I — I've been busy with the deb thing. I'm so sorry." Y/n profusely apologized, genuinely feeling sorry.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's fine." Atlas reassured, thought his eyes still held a bit of sadness. "I pinky promise I will text you later." Y/n told Atlas, bringing up her hand with only her pinky sticking out.

Atlas softly laughed and shook his head making Y/n's face morph into one of confusion and hurt as she slowly dropped her hand.

"How about this — maybe to make up for never texting me — we could go to a drive-in movie date with me tonight? My friend Cameron is bringing his date there and I — I was like 'Oh! Maybe — maybe Y/n would like to go there too!' But — but like if you think it's not a good first date idea then—" Atlas rambled on before Y/n then cut him off.

"A date?" Y/n repeated, tilting her head slightly in intrigue. "Um. Yeah? Okay — this wasn't exactly how I was even supposed to ask you out but if you don't even like the idea of a date or like a drive-in then that's definitely okay—" Atlas began rambling on again.

Y/n stared at the poor boy in amusement and concern. "Atlas." Y/n called, stopping the boys rambling. "I would love to go on a date with you and a drive-in movie date is perfect because believe it or not — it's on my bucket list, you've basically scratched that off." Y/n told the boy, smiling softly.

"Oh. Amazing — glad I could help you with your bucket list." Atlas jokingly said, smiling. "Wait — but, really?" Atlas asked, face morphing into one of caution. "Yes, Atlas. Really." Y/n firmly said.

"So," Y/n started, "Your friend Cameron? Is his date by any chance someone named Belly?" Y/n asked, brows raised in hope. "Yeah. How'd you know?" Atlas asked, brows narrowed in confusion.

"Belly's my twin." Y/n informed, laughing slightly. Atlas made an 'Oh!' sound at the realization which made Y/n laugh more.

"Well, I'll see you later — don't leave me hanging on the texting part, ocean girl." Atlas told Y/n, though his smile told her he was really okay with her past mistake.

"I promise. Don't go crying on me, Jonesy." Y/n teased. "Later, Conklin." Atlas farewelled the girl, walking backwards. "Later, Jones." Y/n copied, smiling before pulling the door and making her way back into the room.

Baby, I'm Yours. | Conrad Fisher x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon