The Confession pt2 (Jack x Epel)

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Epel walks into flying class and spots Jack, his legs starting to feel a little weak. He takes a deep breath and goes over to Deuce. "Hey Deuce." Epel smiles sweetly at him.

Deuce stops talking to Ace and smiles at Epel, after they went out to the beach together they became pretty close friends. "Hey Epel, what's up?"

"Do you think you could do me a favor?" Epel asks quietly, Deuce raises an eyebrow but nods.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Could you give this to Jack before practice today?" Epel hands Deuce the letter with Jack's name on it, his face flushing lightly.

Deuce looks at the letter confused but nods again. "Sure, but why don't you just give it to him now?"

"Ah, well, it would be a bit embarrassing if he read it now, you know..?" Epel scratches the back of his head and looks off to the side, Deuce looks even more confused at his answer but shrugs it's off.

"Alright, I'll give it to him later." Epel nods and smiles at Deuce who puts the letter in his bag.

"Thanks Deuce, I owe you one." After that Mr. Vargas blows his whistle and yells at them to line up.

—Time skip brought to you by Jack being a good boy—

While Deuce and Jack got changed for track practice, Deuce spots the letter in his bag. "Oh yeah. Jack, I was told to give this to you." Deuce picks the letter up and hands it to the half naked boy next to him.

Jack looks at the letter confused but takes it, "what's this about?"

Deuce shrugs and pulls his shirt on, "no idea. I was just told to give it to you."

Jack nods and opens up the letter, reading what's inside.

"Dear Jack,

I've admired you for a while now, you're strong, tall, and so kind. You've saved me multiple times and you're an amazing friend. I have so much to say about you but it's hard for me to say it out loud. So I'm writing it instead, but even then it's hard for me to put my feelings for you into words. All I can say for now is that I admire you a lot and would like to maybe go on a secret date sometime?

If you don't feel the same I understand and won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. Please throw out this note and pretend you never read it.

If for some reason you do want to go out or just want to find out who I am I'll be waiting at the clock tower tonight.

I'll be waiting for your response.

-love, E̶p̶e̶l̶"

Deuce looks over at Jack as he hears a loud thumping sound. He sees the wolf boy blushing like mad and his tail thumping against the lockers quickly.

"Uhh dude, is everything okay?" Deuce asks worriedly which makes Jack quickly shove the letter in his locker and slams it shut.

"Yep! Everything is totally fine." Jack yells making Deuce flinch a little. He's never seen Jack so flustered, it makes him wonders what the hell could've been written on that latter.

"Right, well it's time for practice." Deuce says as he quickly walks away from Jack. Jack stares at his shirt as thinks about the letter.

It was such a cute and wholesome letter, he could really tell how much that person is in love with him, he really wants to know who they are. He really wished that person didn't scratch their name out at the end. They must have gotten too nervous to have their name on there and scratched it out last minute.

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