Policeman (Ace x Deuce)

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Deuce sighs as he walks down the sidewalk, on his way home after a long day at the police station. They finally caught that big mafia boss but he didn't get out till late. At least he'll get some extra money for working overtime.

As Deuce passes by an alleyway he hears someone speaking. "Look man I don't have anything else I swear!"

Deuce raises an eyebrow and peaks into the alleyway where he sees a person dressed in all black holding a knife up to a person with orange hair. He immediately runs into the alley, sneaking up on the person in all black, blasting the knife out of his hand with his magic pen.

The person whips around to see who did that and Deuce holds his pen up to his face. "Return the stuff you stole from them." He says sternly. The person in all black trembles and quickly shoves the stuff back into the other person's hand, yelling out a quick sorry before running away.

Deuce sighs and puts his pen back in his pocket, looking at the orange haired person. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks to you." The orange haired person smiles at Deuce.

"You sound familiar, have I met you before?" Deuce asks.

"You sound familiar too, what school did you go to?"

"Night Raven College." Deuce simply answers.

"I went to Night Raven College too!" The person answers excitedly, finally stepping out of the shadows of the alley and showing his face.

Deuce eyes widen as he immediately widened as he recognizes that stupid face from anywhere. "Ace?"

"Deuce? Dude! I haven't seen you since school! How have you been?" Ace grins, hugging Deuce tightly.

"I've been good, how have you been?" Deuce smiles, hugging Ace back.

"Well other than getting mugged pretty good. Let's catch up and let me treat ya to some food man." Ace pulls away.

"Oh you don't have to do that."

"Come on man, let me treat you, you did save my ass after all."

Deuce sighs, "Fine, let's just go to Denny's then."

"Alright!" Ace and Deuce walk to the Denny's across the street, quickly finding a seat. "So what job did ya get?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm a police officer now." Deuce smiles.

"What?! Dude! That's so freaking cool!"

Deuce chuckles at Ace's amazed expression. "Yeah, it is pretty cool. Though my hours kinda suck."

"That's still awesome man, I wish I could be as cool as you."

"What do you do now?" Deuce asks, sipping his water.

"I work at a nearby escape room, I help design ways to mess with people."

"Oh wow, I'll have to stop by sometime. I kinda miss your tricks." Deuce chuckles.

"I'll make sure to make the room extra hard for you." Ace winks.

As the two continue to ask about what they've done after school their food comes, they both eat while they continue to talk.

"Hey Deuce, how come you never got a girlfriend while we were in school? Seems like you never even flirted with anyone." Ace asks after swallowing some sausage.

Deuce stops and stares at Ace like he's crazy. Ace looks back confused, "What?"

"Ace...I'm gay."

Ace stares at Deuce, blinking slowly. "What?"

"I've known since freshman year. I thought you knew, I've even flirted with you!" Deuce busts out laughing, Ace looking like he found out his whole life if a lie.

"You never told me?? When did you flirt with me??" Ace quickly asks.

"Hmm, let's see, when I asked you out to the Valentine's Day party, when I asked you to come stay at my place for winter break, whenever I helped you out with homework. Did you never realize? I thought I was being fairly obvious." Deuce chuckles, resting his head in his hand.

"I..I never realized. I'm sorry for realizing dude." Ace mumbles, his face flushing pink as he remembers all those times he thought Deuce was just being extra nice or touchy towards him.

"It's fine, I mean I knew I probably didn't have a chance as you're straight." Deuce waves off.

"Uhh yeah, about that..." Ace scratches the back of his neck. "I'm bi.."

"Oh- When did you realize?"

"About a year after we graduated." Ace chuckles softly.

"I see. May I ask how you found out?" Deuce asks curiously.

"Well..You know how you flirted with me but I didn't know? Well I realized I missed that, then I realized I liked you more than a friend. It was a whole thing, lots of BuzzFeed quizzes that didn't help."

"I see, does that mean we liked each other and school and never told each other?"

"Yep, just like a trashy romance novel." The two chuckle, finishing up their food.

The two goes silent and the air suddenly gets very tense and awkward, neither of them make eye contact.

Ace shifts around a bit before finally speaking up. "Do you have a partner now?"

Deuce shakes his head, "No, I've been too busy with the academy and work. Do you?"

Ace shakes his head as well, "No, haven't really found anyone I'm interested in."

The two awkwardly sit there for another minute before they both speak at the same time, "Do you still like me?"

The two stare, blinking a few times before giggling. Deuce calms down enough to speak first. "I, yeah, I do still like you. I hope that's not weird."

"It's not weird at all cause I still like you too." Ace smiles, holding out his hand to Deuce. "If you'd like, we could maybe be together? Like as boyfriends?"

Deuce blushes softly and nods, resting his hand in Ace's. "I'd like that. You know you're still terrible at romance, asking me out in a freaking Denny's."

"Hey, you were the one who said we should get Denny's." Ace blushes. Deuce chuckles, squeezing Ace's hand softly.

"Come on, let me walk you home." Deuce says, getting up.

"Why can't I walk you home?" Ace asks, leaving the money on the table and following Deuce out.

"Because If I let you walk home alone you'll end up getting mugged again." Deuce chuckles.



Haha, finally uploaded, it's been a bit lol. This is not my best work but eh, it's something. Writer's block for the fandom is terrible rn.

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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