Azul's singing voice (Jade x Azul x Floyd)

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Azul answers his ringing phone, the lounge has been even busier than normal today. Though that's because it's a Friday night as well as a special live show tonight. It's the lounge's first time having live music instead of the usual soft jazz that plays on the radio.

"Hello, Azul Ashengrotto speaking."

"Hey Mr. Ashengrotto, I'm so sorry to spring this on you last minute like this but we won't be able to make it tonight. Our singer got into an accident and had to get hospitalized." One of the members of the band speaks to Azul.

Azul groans, he should have expected something like this to happen with his luck. "That's quite alright. Is it just the singer that is out of commission for the moment?"

"Yes sir. I'm so sorry about this-"

Azul cuts the guy off, "it's not a problem. Will you still be able to preform if I acquired a singer?"

"Well I mean yeah I guess?"

"Your band is playing only covers of songs tonight, yes?" Azul asks.


"Great, then please be on your way. I will have a singer ready for you."

"Okay! I'm so sorry again Mr. Ashengrotto." And with that the guy hung up. Azul sighs and signs off a document before going to check on the lounge, everything seems to be running smoothly just very busily.

Azul goes over to Jade who's making some non-alcoholic drinks for the guests. "Hello Azul." Jade smiles at Azul as he approaches.

"Hello Jade, would you mind making an announcement please?" Azul asks, Jade nods.

"Of course, what is it that I'm announcing?"

"Tell everyone that there was an accident and the band will be late."

Jade nods, "Okay, are they alright?"

"Yes, the singer is out of commission though. I will be taking his place."

Jade's eyes widen, a slight twinkle can be seen in them. Jade hasn't heard Azul sing in so long. Soon a smile is spread across his face, "I see. I shall tell Floyd then. I'm sure he'll love to hear your singing voice again."

"I just hope he doesn't ask me to sing to him all the time again. I love to sing to him but it's annoying to do it for hours on end." Azul sighs.

"Yes, Floyd did take it a bit far but it's because he loves your voice. You should go get ready for the stage."

Azul nods then heads off to the back, putting on a small amount of stage makeup and adjusts his clothing.

Once the band arrives he shows them where to set up at, they set up the guitarist looks over at him, "so uh, who's going to be our singer?"

"Me, of course." Azul states and the band all stops, staring at Azul in shock. A few moments later they nod, with a small okay, Azul chuckles softly at how shocked they all were. He wonders if everyone else will be shocked as well hearing him sing.

As the band sets up and tunes their instruments Azul goes backstage and warms up his voice, just as he was starting though Floyd comes barging in, grabbing Azul's shoulders in a rush.

Azul looks at Floyd confused and concerned, "Is everything alright Floyd?"

"You're singing tonight?" Floyd asks, out of breath, looking at Azul with a terrifying smile. Azul nods softly and Floyd squeezes him into a tight hug.

"Yay! Azul's going to sing again!" Azul gasps for oxygen and pats Floyd's back, telling him to lighten up on his grip.

"I'm guessing Jade told you?" Azul says once he could finally breathe again.

"Yeah, he told me, what are you going to sing?" Floyd asks excitedly, Azul's singing used to always calm him down and comfort him so Floyd's very happy to hear it again.

"I'm not sure yet, this band is only a cover band so songs you'll find on the radio." Floyd nods and grins more.

"I'm real happy Azul."

"I can tell." Azul chuckles and reaches his hand up, removing Floyd's hat and patting his head gently. Floyd blushes lightly at the affection.

"I have to go preform now, make sure the guests don't get rowdy, okay?" Floyd nods and finally gets go of Azul, Azul readjusts his clothes and watches Floyd leave back to the front of the lounge.

The drummer comes in and asks if Azul is ready which he nods and goes on stage. Azul takes a deep breath and the curtains open up. The people in the lounge clap and whisper when they see Azul on stage.

Soon the band starts playing and Azul starts singing, Fly Me to the Moon.

Everyone is silent as they watch Azul sing, memorized by his singing voice.

None of them knew he could sing this well and a few new people decide they definitely need to come back again.

Once the song ends Azul gets a standing ovation from the crowd, he smiles softly, he forgot how much he loved singing for his tweels.

Azul sings the night away and even gets on the piano when the band had to leave to continue the show. By the end of the night he was very much tired and ready for bed.

As the lounge closes up and everyone heads to their respected dorms Azul flops onto a couch, closing his eyes and relaxing into it.

Jade comes over and sits next to Azul with some tea, smiling softly at him. "Your voice is as sweet as ever."

Azul smiles and sits up, happily taking the tea from Jade. "Thank you, it was fun to sing again. Though us was a bit nerve wracking having all those eyes on me."

Jade nods and wraps his arm around Azul's waist, letting him lean against him. "You did amazing though. I very much liked the first song you sang. We're you thinking about anyone while you were singing it?"

Azul's face flushes a bit, "of course I was, you really think I could've sung in front of everyone if I wasn't singing to you?"

Jade's face heats up, he wasn't expecting Azul to be so forward, he hears his throat. "Well..I.""

Jade gets interrupted though when Floyd comes over and flops himself down, his head resting on Azul's lap, "Azullll~ you sounded amazing." Floyd smiles up at Azul, hugging his waist softly.

Azul smiles and pats Floyd's head gently, "Thank you, Floyd. I'm glad you liked it."

"Though I'm not happy everyone else got to hear it. We should be the only ones who get to hear you sing." Floyd pouts, Jade chuckles, agreeing softly.

"I can't say I disagree. But tonight did bring in a lot of money, I heard many people talk about our Azul and how they want to see him preform again. Maybe we could bring our band back."

Floyd's eye light up and he quickly sits up, "yes! Let's get our band back together! What do you think Azul?" Floyd looks at Azul to see he's fallen asleep on Jade's shoulder.

The twins smile and happily take Azul back to his dorm, enjoying the night cuddling and falling asleep with him in their arms.

Not me going through hella writers block.
But I finally was able to write something decent :D
Hope ya liked singing Azul :)

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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