Trey's Tart (Trey x Riddle)

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Trey sighs as he finally steps into the Heartstybul kitchen, he's had a hard day of lessons and keeping Riddle from not beating up Floyd. Trey ties his apron and starts to bake a tart, he needs something sweet to take the edge off.

Trey quickly makes a tart for himself but while in the middle of making the filling Deuce comes in to ask him a question about his arithmetic homework. Trey holds a groan and turns his back to his dessert, helping Deuce out with the problem. What Trey doesn't see when he is helping Deuce out is Ace mixing mustard into his filling. Once Deuce finally understands the concept Trey gets back to work. He finishes the filling before adding it to the cooked tart crust. He adds a few berries to finish it up.

He grabs a fork, ready to dig in when Riddle walks in, talking about some students being rowdy in the maze. Trey sighs and sets his fork down, Riddle stops talking in the middle of his sentence and stares at Trey. "Is everything alright, Trey?"

"Sorry Riddle, I've just had a long day and I want to eat my tart."

"Oh, I see. Well you enjoy your dessert then, I'll leave you be." Riddle says, starting to walk out the room. Trey smiles softly, picking up his fork again and taking a bite of his tart.

Riddle stops and turns to Trey when he hears the fork clattering on the floor. Riddle sees Trey staring at his tart, tears starting to come to his eyes. Riddle quickly rushes over to Trey. "Trey? Trey what's wrong? What happened?"

"... Nothing. It's fine." Trey snarls, Riddle's eyes widen as he sees him pick up his tart and throw it in the trash, Riddle watches as Trey stocks off to his room.

Suddenly loud laughter is erupting from the doorway, Riddle glares and storms over, seeing Ace recording. "What did you do."

Ace quickly shuts up. "I uh, I just played a little prank is all."

"What. Did. You. Do." Riddle towers over Ace.

Ace looks to the floor, very scared of his dorm head. "I put mustard in Trey's tart." He mumbles.

"You did what?! Why would you do that?!" Riddle yells, quickly using his signature spell on Ace.

"I thought his reaction would be funny!" Ace pleads, Riddle has to hold himself back from slapping Ace.

"You're not getting out of that until you apologize and make a tart with candied violets for Trey." Riddle states before quickly leaving.

Riddle knocks on Trey's door softly, "Trey? Can I come in?" Riddle waits awhile but finally a small yeah is heard.

Riddle slowly opens the door and sees Trey laying on his red, covered in blankets. He frowns and slowly makes his way over. "Trey? Are you okay?"

Trey shakes his head and turns over to Riddle, quickly hugging his torso. Riddle frowns and pets his head softly. "It'll be okay. Was that the breaking point today?"

Trey nods softly. Riddle runs his fingers through Trey's hair softly. "Do you want me to lay down with you?"

Trey nods again, letting go of Riddle slowly. Riddle takes off his coat before laying down with Trey, pulling him into his chest. Trey snuggles close to Riddle who runs his fingers through his hair softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Riddle asks softly.

"I just need a break, I've been really stressed out this week." Trey mumbles. 

"Okay, let's take a break then. I'll make sure no one asks you of anything tomorrow. Just do what you want to."

Trey nods, smiling softly. "Thank you, Riddle."

"Anytime. You do so much for everyone in our dorm, you deserve a break." Riddle kisses Trey's head gently, causing Trey to chuckle.


Have sum fluff, yes this is hella short but I don't know what else to add ;-; I think the writer's block is creeping back T-T

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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