Apple Pie (Deuce x Epel)

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Deuce stares at the pie he just made. It's fresh out of the oven, smelling like hot apples and cinnamon. He takes a deep breath, slowly pulling his phone out. He feels his hand tremble softly as he pulls up Epel's contact. This isn't much, he shouldn't be anxious about this. All he wants to do is get Epel's opinion on his pie making skills. That's all he needs to do, he shouldn't be this nervous calling up his friend.

He hits the call button, his heart pounding as he hears the sound of his phone ring. Once..twice... "Hello?" Epel gasps out, sounding out of breath as he answers the phone.

Deuce looks down at the pie cooling, bitting the inside of his lip a few times as he listens to Epel breathe for a few moments.

"..Deuce? You there?" Epel's voice makes him jump, his face flushing as he realizes he was being really weird just now.

"Yeah, yeah! Sorry I Uhm..are you busy right now?" He responds quickly, his nails digging into his hand as he waits for Epel's response.

"Well I was working out. Did you need something?" Epel raises an eyebrow, knowing Deuce doesn't just call him up for no reason.

"Ah well, I don't want you to bother you in the middle of working out, it can wait till later.." Deuce frowns, really hating calling when he was doing something so important.

"Just tell me what it is." He never liked it when Deuce dances around the subject he actually wants to talk about.

"..I want you to try my apple pie."

"Apple pie you say?" He perks up at hearing this. He wouldn't mind taking a small break for some apple pie.

"Yeah, I want you to try it since I know you make really good ones." Deuce explains, drawing circles on the counter as his heart beats quickly every time Epel speaks, it's so weird for doing so.

"I'll be there in 10." He says with a big grin plastered on his face. He hangs up the phone before quickly rushing over to Heartslabyul.

"Epel? ..hello?" Deuce looks at his phone and sees Epel has hung up. Well that call went decently well, he just has to wait for him to show up now. Hopefully his pie doesn't taste to bad.

~he's a runner he's a track star~

"Deuce! Lemme try this pie!" Epel calls out as he enters the kitchen, causing Deuce to jump from the sudden yelling. "Whoops, sorry about that." Epel chuckles and goes over to him but immediately spots the pie and shoves him out of the way. "Is this the baby?"

"Uh, yeah? It's the pie I made." Deuce stands next to Epel, a bit confused as he watches him inspect the outside and poking the crust.

"The crust could be a bit firmer and your design isn't terrible for a beginner." Epel grabs the slicer and makes two nice cuts, one for Deuce and one for himself. He holds the pie up and inspects it. "The apple slices could have been cut thinner and layered better. Not to mention it doesn't look like you added enough cinnamon to it. And the bottom of the crust is way to thin."

" really know your stuff when it comes to pies." Deuce chuckles a he grabs them forks. He never even thought of that stuff when he was making it. As he hands the fork to Epel their hands brush together which causes him to flush a bit from the contact. He doesn't get why his face is flushing but he hates it when it does. Though Epel seems to be to distracted by the pie to notice a thing.

"Of course I do, I've spent years making pies." Epel takes a bite and thinks about how the flavors mix together and melt on his tongue. "Well, it's not the worse pie I've ever had. Definitely a bit over mixed on the sauce and the apples are slightly burnt." He takes another bite. "Yeah, definitely to much cinnamon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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