Sorry I'm already Dating Him pt 2 (Ruggie x Leona)

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Days pass and after a afternoon nap, Ruggie wakes up to knocking on the door. He yawns and tries to sit up but quickly realizes he's stuck in Leona's chest. He blushes as he realizes his face is literally in Leona's tits.

Ruggie tries to squirm out of Leona's arms but instead Leona holds onto him tighter, holding him closer to himself which makes flush redder.

Another knock at the door and this time a voice, "Uncle Leona! Uncle Ruggie! It's dinner! If you don't respond soon I'm coming in!" A small child's voice calls out, most likely it's Cheka.

Ruggie does not want Cheka to see him or Leona like this but he can't really yell without waking Leona. And waking up Leona right now would be terrible, a cranky Leona is not fun to deal with.

So Ruggie goes with the next best option and closes his eyes tightly and shoving his face back into Leona's tits, hoping to make it look like he's still sleeping.

A few seconds later he hears the door creak open and little footsteps coming over to the bed. He then feels a blanket cover himself and his head getting pat gently before the footsteps leave and the door closes. Ruggie doesn't get why Leona calls the kid a brat all the time, he's really sweet, he's just very loud.

"Is the brat finally gone?" Ruggie jumps a bit at hearing Leona's deep voice and looks up to see him with a scowl on his face. "He's been banging on that door for the last five minutes."

"You're awake?" Ruggie asks gently, surprised the lion isn't angrier.

"Yeah, I have been since Cheka started banging on that door. Annoying brat." Leona grumbles and snuggles himself into Ruggie, nuzzling his face into Ruggie's soft hair.

"Oh..we should probably go get dinner then..." Ruggie mumbles, his face turning red at the affection.

"Don't bother, they'll leave food at the door. And Cheka told them we were sleeping, it would look suspicious if we went in now." Leona mumbles and Ruggie nods.

After a few minutes of silence Ruggie speaks softly, "Hey Leona?"

Leona hums and Ruggie continues, "Why are you doing this? I mean, we're just fake boyfriends, we're not like actually dating or anything. So you don't have to act like this."

Leona takes a moment before speaking, "do you not like it?"

"Well I mean-" Leona slowly starts to move away Ruggie who frowns. "I didn't mean it like that..I just..I'm not used to it? I don't know, if feels a little weird to do it when we aren't even like, together together."

"Okay." Leona pulls his arms away from Ruggie and turns so his back is to him. "I'm going to nap, wake me up when food is here."

Ruggie nods and sighs, he gets out of the bed and stretches, he needs to do something, all this thinking hurts his brain and his heart.

Ruggie leaves the room and goes to look for something to do, he quickly explores the castle and finds the library, Ruggie stares in awe at how big it is and how many books there are in it.

Ruggie quickly looks around and finds a very interesting book about a prince and a servant, he sits down at a table and starts to read it.

He likes reading things that interest him but he hates reading things he's not interested like potion textbooks.


Hours pass as Ruggie reads, he doesn't know when he finished it but he knows he's very hungry.

Ruggie puts the book back before going off to find the kitchen or something, as Ruggie leaves the library he sees that it's dark outside, how long was he in there reading for?

Twisted Wonderland Oneshots (under rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora