A mermaid? (Floyd x Azul x Jade)

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Floyd groans as he stares out at the calm waters, there's nothing he hates more than when there is nothing to do on the ship. Jade is currently steering and he's on look out, he can't even mess with any fresh meat because they have none. They've all gotten used to Floyd's antics.

Floyd flops onto the deck by Jade's feet and whines, "Jaaaddeee, I'm bored."

"Then find something to do, there's always interesting things to find in the sea."

"Yeah, but we're not anywhere near shallow enough water for me to go swimming, plus you'd leave me behind.." Floyd grumbles and grabs onto his brother's leg.

Jade sighs, "Fine, we'll head off towards that cave so you can go explore." Jade points to a cave nearby and Floyd jumps up happily.

"Yay! Cave exploration!"

Jade smiles at his brother and steers the ship straight towards the cave's mouth.

Floyd happily goes back to looking around for anything cool and once they enter the cave he jumps down from the ship onto the land and runs into the cave, following the path along the edge and watching the water glisten.

"Floyd! Get back here!" Jade yells after his brother, he grumbles and puts one of the crew in charge until they get back.

Jade jumps down and quickly follows his brother into the cave but as he's running he hears someone crying, suddenly he slams into Floyd and the two of them fall into the water.

Neither of them knew what happened but the next thing they knew they were brought up to the land and getting set down gently. The twins cough up water and Jade looks to the water, squinting and seeing a head go into the water.

As Jade continues to stare Floyd resurrects from the dead and looks over at the water as well, "What cha looking at?"

"There's someone in the water." Jade mumbles as bubbles emerge and a head slowly comes up from the water a pair of silvery purple eyes staring back at the twins.

The twins stare at the person with wonder and Floyd grins, "Hi there! What's your name?"

The person flinches at how loud Floyd's voice is but quietly response. "Azul.."

"That's quite a unique name. Where are you from Azul?" Jade asks, smiling at the nervous person.

"Uhm..who are you guys?" Azul asks, clearly trying to avoid the question.

"I'm Jade and this is Floyd, what are you doing here?" Jade says, motioning to Floyd when he introduces him.

"This place is normally quiet and no one bothers me here." Azul says, slowly warming up to the twins.

"I see. Would you like us to leave you alone then?" Jade asks and Azul surprisingly shakes his head.

"No, I find your company enjoyable. You're not nearly as mean as the mermaids at home." Azul states but quickly covering his mouth, scared at what these two are going to do for him now that they know he belongs to the sea.

"You're a mermaid?" Floyd asks excitedly.

"Well, not exactly.." Azul mumbles and hides more in the water.

"What do you mean?" Floyd asks.

"We're not going to hurt you if that is what you're worried about." Jade states with a soft smile, trying his best to reassure Azul he will be okay with them.

Azul takes a moment to think about it before slowly coming out of the water, wrapping his arms around his body and showing off his tentacles.

The twins faces heat up at the sight, a beautiful octopus man is standing in front of them now.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm not the beautiful mermaid you were hoping for." Azul mumbles and stares at the ground.

"You're not." Floyd states and Azul flinches, almost going back into the water. "You're even better!" He yells and hugs Azul.

"Floyd!" Jade yells at his brother as he squishes Azul. Azul giggles at the affection and happily hugs him back. Jade sighs and smiles at the cute sight, "You are beautiful though Azul. I'd say even more than any mermaid I've seen."

"Thank you, Floyd and Jade. It's been a long time since someone was so nice to me." Azul smiles at the two and wraps a tentacle around Jade and pulls him into the hug with Floyd.

Jade wraps his arms around Azul and snuggles into his soft body.

"You're really squishy and cute! You should come join us on our boat!" Floyd yells happily.

"I don't know..I've never been on a boat. Plus I'm sure i'd scare anyone else on board." Azul mumbles and holds onto the two of them a bit tighter, his face flushing a dark purple at the compliments.

"You belong to the sea too, it would be wrong of us to take you from your home." Jade says, destroying Floyd's hopes.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.." Floyd mumbles and shoves his face farther into Azul.

"Well..I don't really belong in my home, no one really likes me. And you guys are very nice to me, I wouldn't mind being able to be with you two more." Azul mumbles, hiding his face being a two tentacles.

The twins look between each other, having a telepathic conversation with each other.

"Come join us then. We'll be sure to treat you right, you can just follow us along in the ocean for now if that makes you more comfortable." Jade states with a wicked smile.

"Really? You'll let me join you guys?" Azul asks hopefully.

"Yeah, we'd love to have you around!" Floyd happily says, glomping Azul into yet another hug.

Azul blushes and smiles happily, "Thank you. I'd love to join you two. You're so kind to me."

"Then let's go." Jade says and the three pull away from each other, Azul going back into the water to follow the twins to the boat.

Mmm, I feel like I made Azul really OOC in this chapter :/

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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