Cuddle Bug (Trey x Riddle)

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Trey yawns as he finally heads to his dorm after a long day of school work and prep for the unbirthday party in a few weeks. As he walks down the hall he notices the lights off in all the dorm rooms except one, the one at end of the hall that holds his house warden and childhood friend, Riddle Rosehearts.

He checks to see just how late it is, his phone telling him it's almost midnight. Riddle should be asleep at this time, he rarely doesn't follow his own schedule and rules. Trey rubs his eyes before going to his own dorm, boiling some water. When the kettle whistles, he pours the water into the teapot with the tea leaves, allowing them to steep as he places everything nicely on a silver platter. He makes his way down the hall, knocking gently on Riddle's door.

Some shuffling is heard before his door opens, a half dressed, hair messy, haired eyed Riddle reveling himself. "Trey? Is there something the matter?" Riddle inquires, tilting his head at seeing his vice-house warden show up to his room in the middle of the night.

"I just thought you might need some tea. May I join you?" Trey asks, a gentle smile on his face as he watches Riddle step to the side, allowing Trey to enter his dorm. Trey looks around for a moment, seeing books thrown around Riddle's desk, his bed messy, and papers on the ground. It worries Trey to see his friend's room like this, he's never seen him so disheveled before.

He sets the platter down, sitting on the couch, Riddle joins next to him, a slight frown on his face. Trey pours the tea into the teacups. He hands one to Riddle who thanks him quietly. Trey swirls around his tea before speaking up. "May I ask why you're up so late?"

Riddle sips his tea, setting it down gently in the saucer. "I've been doing some research." Trey raises an eyebrow, he knows Riddle can get engrossed in research, but it's never to the point of him negating to neaten up his room.

"What are you researching?" Trey questions, maybe he's looking into something serious, maybe there's some underlying problem going on.

Riddle taps the edge of his saucer with his finger. "Well...I overheard the first years talking about relationships, and one of the students was telling the others about their experience with liking the same sex." Riddle explains, trey nods, understanding why Riddle was so flustered now.

Neither of them has really talked about relationships, the most being about the rules with PDA. To Trey's knowledge, Riddle doesn't even have a romantic drive. "Has your research helped?" Trey inquired.

Riddle talks another sip of his tea before answering. "It has...Though I have a few things to think about now."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Trey sets his cup down. He knows if he has any feelings towards any guy he probably feels very confused if not disgusted at his feelings. He knows how his mother raised him so he knows he must be feeling like he's broken. That would explain the messy room.

Riddle sets his tea down as well, turning to Trey as he takes a deep breath. "Can...May I hold your hand?" Trey smiles, holding his hand out to Riddle.

"Take as much time as you need." Riddle stares at Trey's hand for a long moment, his heart pounding and his mind racing as he slowly puts his hand in Trey's. He takes a deep breath as he thinks about how this feels and...

It just feels right, like this is normal. Trey's hands are warm and bigger than his own. Riddle's fingers wrap around Trey's, a soft smile on his face. "This is nice."

He looks to see Trey's face holding a light blush. "You know Riddle, if you like someone, I'll support you." Trey smiles, wanting to reassure Riddle that it really is okay to be with a man if he wants to be. Riddle takes his hand out of Trey's, hugging him tightly. Trey takes a moment before gently wrapping his arms around Riddle.

A moment or two pass before Riddle pulls away. "There is...Someone I may like, I'm not sure if it's admiration or romantic interest." Riddle explains, Trey nods, understanding the confusion. He's held like that to people before as well.

"I get it, just take your time with it. There's no need to rush anything." Riddle smiles, getting up from the couch.

"I need to neaten up...Do you want to sleep over? Like old times?" Trey's surprised at the sudden invitation but agrees even though their rooms aren't that far apart.

"Sure, let me get changed first." Riddle nods and Trey leaves, changing into his pajamas before brushing his teeth. By time he returned to Riddle's dorm, he's laying in bed with a book, his dorm spotless.

"That was quick." Trey chuckles, sitting down on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Riddle questions, closing his book and setting it to the side. "You're sleeping here, like old times." Riddle pats the bed, Trey's face flushes at realizing what he's implying/ He quietly makes his way over, laying down next to his friend.

Riddle giggles, pulling Trey closer. "You're so tense." Trey sighs, wrapping his arms around hi, pulling him close to his chest.

"Sorry, it's just been awhile." Trey rests his head atop of Riddle's, his face hot and his heart pounding.

Despite the position, he feels oddly relaxed and comfortable. He closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep. Riddle waits till Trey falls asleep before sighing, looking at his face with a frown. "I like you, Trey." He snuggles into Trey's chest, listening to his heartbeat as he falls asleep with him.

Both boys dream of one another, though neither of them confessed their feelings to one another till graduation, when Trey left the school for good and Riddle became a third year. Though it was hard, their relationship blossomed into something beautiful that many wish to have. Trey ran his own bakery while Riddle became a professor at Night Raven College.

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