Sad Ruggie hours (Ruggie x Leona)

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Tw: mention of death

Ruggie was in his animal languages class when Headmaster Crowley busted into the room. Professor Trein groaned at the headmaster since he didn't even knock.

"Headmaster Crowley, do you need something?" Professor Trein asks exasperatedly.

"Yes, well no. I need Ruggie Bucchi." Headmaster Crowley says. Ruggie raises an eyebrow but goes over to the headmaster.

"Yes headmaster?" Ruggie asks.

"Ah well, I shouldn't tell you the news here. You should pack up your stuff and come with me." Headmaster Crowley said, a sad look on his face which makes Ruggie start to worry.

Ruggie quickly packs up his stuff while the class whispers about what this could be about. Ruggie blocks out their gossip and goes out to the hall where the Headmaster is waiting for him.

"Headmaster?" Ruggie asks and Crowley starts to walk away and Ruggie quickly follows him.

Crowley leads Ruggie back to the Savannaclaw dorm and sits him down in the lounge, no one else is in it as everyone is in class.

"Is every thing okay headmaster?" Ruggie asks worriedly.

"Ruggie.. I have just received some news...about your grandmother.." Crowley says slowly, Ruggie's ears flatten.

"She's.. She's okay...right?" Ruggie stutters.

Crowley stays quiet for a minute. "She died last night in her sleep. She went peacefully."

Ruggie looks at his lap and bites his lip. He knew this day would come but his grandmother didn't even get to see him graduate. She said she would make it to his graduation at the very least.

"You may have the next few days off to grieve, I understand what you're going through is very hard. Just take your time and when you're ready come back to school. I'll even allow you to go back to your hometown if you need too." Crowley said, trying his best to comfort the boy but he clearly isn't doing the best job.

"Okay.." it was all Ruggie could say. What is he supposed to do now, he doesn't have any family to go back to now. Sure he has all his friends in the Savanna but they aren't his family.

After a few awkward minutes Crowley gets up. "If you need anything just ask." And with that he walks away, leaving Ruggie there alone.

Ruggie sits there for a while, he doesn't know how long nor does he care how long but he just sits there and stares at his lap. All his family is gone. He has no one left.

Slowly the tears start to fall down his face and he grips onto his pants harder. It gets harder to breath as tears stream down his face and he starts to sob.

What is he going to do now? Should he quit school and try to get a job?

Ruggie doesn't know what he should do but all he can do right now is sob his eyes out and pray for his grandma to be in a better place. At least she won't have to deal with starving now.

Ruggie doesn't know how much time has passed but when the first person entered the lounge he quickly got up and left, hiding in his room. Ruggie gets under his blanket and holds an old photo of him and his grandma close to his chest as he cries. The photo was of him when he was about five, they're both smiling in the photo and posing for the camera. He doesn't remember who took this photo or when it was taken but he's glad he has it, he has something to remember his grandma by.

Awhile later Ruggie hears a knock on his door, he doesn't answer it, he just wants to be left alone. Though Ruggie never gets what he wants as Leona just opens his door. He can tell its Leona from his scent.

Ruggie buries himself deeper into his blanket and hopes Leona will go away. But Leona has other plans, Leona goes over to Ruggie and picks him up in his blanket burrito.

Leona then takes Ruggie and takes him back to his own dorm, laying him down gently in his bed before laying down with him, holding him close. "Ruggie?" Leona asks.

"Mm.." Ruggie responds tiredly, all the crying really worn him out.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Leona asks, his voice not soft at all. Leona isn't the best at comforting someone.

"No.." Ruggie mumbles but snuggles closer to Leona's warmth. Leona is warm and he is hugging him for once.

"Okay." Leona says and holds Ruggie tighter to himself. He can tell Ruggie is upset but he doesn't know what he's upset about. Ruggie didn't even come to lunch and Ruggie loves lunch so Leona knew something was wrong.

Soon enough he can hear Ruggie's soft snores, Leona moves the blanket and looks at Ruggie, frowning when he sees how sad his cute boy is now. Tears stained his face and he's holding a picture close to his chest.

Leona runs his hand though Ruggie's hair softly, hoping to give him some sweet dreams to make him feel better. Leona then kisses his forehead, he doesn't know why Ruggie is so sad but he doesn't like it. His happy little boyo isn't happy anymore. He'll kill whoever made his boyo cry.

But for now he'll just take a nap with him and be there for when he wakes up.


Leona wakes up to the sound of soft crying, he knows it's Ruggie crying and he instinctively holds him closer to himself. Ruggie clings info Leona, his small hands gripping Leona's shirt tightly.

Leona runs a hand through Ruggie's hair, being as soft and gentle with him as he can. Though he's not the best at comforting he'll try for Ruggie.

A little bit later Ruggie calms down and wipes his tears away gently. "I'm sorry.." he mumbles gently.

"It's okay. I'm here for you." Leona says and kisses his forehead gently.

Ruggie nods and snuggles into Leona's chest.

"I just... I don't know what I'm going to do.." Ruggie mumbles.

"What do you mean?" Leona asks curiously.

"I don't have anyone left..." Ruggie says, his grip tightening a bit. It takes Leona a moment before realizing what Ruggie meant and he holds onto him tightly.

"You have me."

"Well..yeah but...we're not family.." Ruggie sighs softly, his grip loosening a bit.

"You don't see us as family?" Leona growls a bit, upset Ruggie doesn't see him as family.

"Well.. I just..." Ruggie starts before going quiet.

"Ruggie, I'll always be here for you. I want to be by your side. I want to be your family. Please let me be your family." Leona says and picks up one of Ruggie's hands, kissing it gently and squeezing it softly.


"You don't have to answer now. I just wanted to tell you. You're not alone." Ruggie nods and just leans against Leona, he doesn't know what to think anymore. He does really like Leona but there are too many things happening too fast. He wishes he could just slow time down and just sit there.

Leona holds Ruggie close, he wishes Ruggie would answer him but he knows he shouldn't push him right now. So instead he just holds him close and pets him gently, hoping he's able to comfort him.

Angst with Ruggie and Leona : D hoped you liked it, hopefully the next chapter will be happier lol

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

Twisted Wonderland Oneshots (under rewrite)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя