An un-birthday party (Riddle x Trey)

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Warning: spicy words/insinuating sexual things

Trey sighs as he re-pins his rose for the fourth time, it isn't perfect enough.

Though it's just another un-birthday party, Trey wants everything to be perfect for Riddle. Riddle likes when everything is perfect, when everything is in order. Though it's due to his mother's influence and he has gotten Riddle to be more lenient with things, he likes making Riddle happy. And if having everything go perfectly so be it.

Trey finally gets his tie tied correctly and he heads down to the kitchen to make sure all the desserts are ready for the event as well as making sure there are no freshmen messing anything up.

There are only a few people in the kitchen when he got there, and they were gathering the plates and utensils for the un-birthday party. Trey says hello to them and makes his way over to the desserts, they were just how he left them last night.

Once everything was heading out to the garden, Trey decides he should head out as well.
He fixes his hair before putting on his hat and adjusting his glasses. He should really invest in contact sometime.

Trey heads out and sees everyone is in order and helping out, he smiles when he sees Riddle making sure the drinks are the right color and helping with anything that needs last minute touches.

Riddle is always working so hard, always working to be the best he can, always working to be amazing. Riddle is just so perfect, it's hard to understand how anyone could hate him.

Sure he's a stickler about the rules and yeah he does have some anger issues but he's been working on them ever since his overblot. But other than that he's an amazing guy, always helping out people, leading, a straight-A student, always willing to listen to your problems, and on top of that he's very cute.

Though Riddle will never admit to it and (adamantly denies it) he loves being called adorable and cute. Though he loves any compliments really, Trey learned to compliment him as much as possible quickly. Especially with their relationship.

Riddle isn't as confident in romance as he is in his studies so he needs reassurance that he's doing a good job on being a good boyfriend. But Trey doesn't mind at all, he will happily compliment Riddle as much as he needs, there's always something amazing about Riddle that Trey could drone on for hours.

And today that thing is Riddle's ass.

Riddle's ass was looking extra thick today, his pants were tighter than normal as well. He did start doing a new work-out regime so that much be why, but Trey is loving the view.

Out of everything about Riddle's body, his face and his ass are his two most favorite thing. Riddle always makes the cutest expressions, especially when embarrassed, but his ass. Damn.

Trey clears his throat, and his mind, before heading over to Riddle, "Hey Riddle." Trey says as he waves to him.

"Oh, Hey Trey." Riddle says, smiling back at him.

"Need help with anything?"

"No, everything is just about set. Thanks for asking. You can and relax until the un-birthday party starts." Riddle says, smiling sweetly at Trey.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything though." Trey says and pats Riddle's head which makes him flush red.

Riddle isn't the best with pda but that's one of the reasons why Trey loves giving it to him, his reactions are just too adorable.

Riddle nods and walks off quickly and Trey sits down in his seat, other students are already sitting down and talking amongst themselves but Trey just can't help but stare at Riddle.

Trey smiles as he watches Riddle work, every motion or move he does is so calculated, so precise, yet he does t so fluidly.

As Trey watches Riddle more and more his thoughts become less than clean.

He thinks about Riddle in more way than he probably should, they haven't done much yet, they've shared kisses before but they haven't touched each other like that before. And honestly Trey hopes to do that with Riddle sometime soon.

Though knowing Riddle he won't make the first move, Trey will have to unless Trey wants to be waiting forever. Maybe he'll tease Riddle a little bit at this un-birthday party and sees how he takes it.

He won't be able to do much since it's in front of all their classmates, plus he's only going to say a few spicy words to him, what's the harm in that?

Trey waits till the party starts, everyone is eating, enjoying their food, and having a good time. About halfway through Riddle is finishing up his dessert but isn't talking with anyone, actually none of the rest of the normal people are around Riddle and Trey. They've all dispersed to go talk to other students. So it's just Trey and Riddle, all alone at the table. Now if the perfect time.

Trey puts a hand in Riddle's thigh gently and leans in close, whispering to him softly. "Your ass looks amazing in those pants. Though I think it'll look even better without them."

Riddle face immediately turns red and he drops his fork on the plate. He looks at Trey with wide eyes then to his lap, gripping onto his pants, thinking of what to say.

But he was left speechless so Trey says nothing but smirks and keeps his hand in Riddle's thigh. That was a cute enough reaction and maybe he stirred something up in Riddle to get him riled up later for them to start kissing roughly again.

One can only hope and with how Riddle is looking now, Trey will get his wish sooner than later.

Not sure if you guy's will want spicy scenes or not and I'm not totally sure if I'll make 'em or not. We'll see, anyway, hope you liked the story :D

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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