Father's/Adoption Day (Mutliple ships)

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Everyone is obviously aged up into their adult years for this as well as being OOC of course

Floyd x Azul x Jade

Azul yawns as he wakes up in only one of his eel's arms, He looks up tiredly to see that it's Floyd who's doing his usual thing of snoring and drooling all over the pillow. Azul looks around the room for Jade before Floyd hugs him close, shoving Azul's face into his chest. Azul sighs and snuggles close to Floyd, closing his eyes for maybe a few more brief moments of sleep.

As Azul floats off into sleep again his nose quickly picks up the smell of food which almost immediately wakes Floyd up. Azul groans as Floyd quickly sits up, forcing Azul to reawaken.

Floyd snaps his eyes over to Jade who's standing in the doorway with two plates of food. "Good morning sleeping beauties." He chuckles softly, approaching the two. Azul rubs his eyes, squinting to see Jade clearly. Jade sets the plates in front of the two happily before sitting down next to Azul.

Floyd quickly digs into the food, humming happily. "Jade this is so yummy!" He grins at his brother, a big grin on his face.

Azul on the other hand raises an eyebrow. "Did you do something behind our backs?" He asks suspiciously. "You never give us special treatment unless you've done something."

Jade chuckles, patting Azul's head gently with a grin. "No no my dear Azul. I haven't done anything wrong. But I did want to celebrate since it was Father's Day."

"We're not dads though?" Floyd asks confused, looking at Jade with a puzzled look.

"Well we weren't.." Jade says, pulling a letter out from his back pocket. Azul's eyes widen when he sees the seal on the letter.

"Is that.." Azul starts, his mouth hanging open, gasping softly when Jade nods.

"Go on, read it." Jade smiles as he hands Azul the paper along with his glasses, Floyd raises an eyebrow, looking over Azul's shoulder as he shakily opens and reads what's on the letter.

"Dear Leeches,

We are happy to inform you that your application for adoption has been accepted. Please come to *address* before July 31 to adopt a child of your choice.

Thank you for choosing to adopt, we will see you soon."

Azul feel tears well up as the paper shakes I'm his hands, Floyd gasps and hugs Azul tightly. "We're going to be Daddies!!!"

"We're going to be daddies.." Azul repeated, dropping the paper and crying into his hands.

Jade smiles gently and hugs the two gently. "Yep, we're going to be Daddies."

Azul trembles and sobs, so overwhelmed with emotions he can barley handle himself.

"We're going to be Dads!!" Azul yells and looks at the two with a bright grin, his two eels grin back and kiss his cheeks gently.

Kailm x Jamil

"..Hey Jamil?" Kalim asks, stopping his scrolling through his magicam and looking up at his partner who's lap he's laying on.

"Yes Kalim?" Jamil responds, setting down the book he was reading, giving him his full attention,

"Well, you know how we're older now? And how my parents had me around this age?" Kalim says, stating the obvious.

"Yes." Jamil responds, raising an eyebrow at his husband.

"Well, I was wondering.." Kalim trails off, his face flushing a bit as his heart beats faster. "Wouldn't we, ya know..need an heir too?"

Jamil stares at him for a long moment before blinking and snorting a bit, trying to hide his giggle behind his book. "You're now just realizing that?"

"Well yeah! I was busy with political duties earlier and I haven't had time to think about it." Kalim pouts, crossing his arms.

"Yes yes I know." Jamil rests his hand on his head, ruffling up his hair gently. "I've been preparing for you to finally talk to me about it. I have a few ideas in mind."

"You do?! I knew you would, you're always so prepared." Kalim grins and hugs Jamil's waist tightly. "So what do you have in mind?"

"Well adoption is the easiest choice though we run the risk of adopting a child who's family's ties are waiting for them to be adopted by someone with your status."

"Our status." Kalim quickly corrects, knowing Jamil still isn't used to being in such power although they've been together for years.

"..right, our status. There's also having a surrogate of someone we trust. Or someone also with noble status so the baby at least has one of our blood in them." Jamil continues, laying out all the options for Kalim.

Kalim thinks for a moment, snuggling closer to Jamil. "Your sister, would she be up to become a surrogate for us?" He mutters into his waist. "As much as I would love to adopt, I can tell that's not the idea you want to go with."

Jamil raises an eyebrow, he's a bit taken aback by Kalim being so smart for once. "Well, she might. We would have to ask, I can't make any promises's she'll agree to it."

Kalim nod with a grin, looking up at Jamil before wrapping his arms around his neck and kisses his cheek gently. "Then we'll do that. I can't wait to become a dad with you! We're going to be the best fathers ever!"

Jamil chuckles, pulling Kalim up to sit in his lap with a nod and kiss on the forehead. "Yeah, we are."

Jack x Epel

Epel sighs as he looks at the small children running around the village, a new generation of apple pickers was born recently and it's been making Epel a bit sad.

Jack has noticed his husband's gloomy mood and wraps his tail around his waist as he pulls a apple off the tree, putting it in the basket he was carrying. "What's wrong Epel?"

"Jack, is it weird to say that I want a baby?" Epel asks, looking up at Jack with a sad look on his face, his lip pouting.

"No, I think you're going through baby fever though. Is it cause of the new generation poppin up?" Jack asks, a bit of accent slipping through. He moved here with Epel after they graduated and lived here ever since, so he's picked up a bit of their accent.

"I believe so. Though I've always wanted kids I think." Epel sighs, picking another apple and placing it into the basket gently. "Probably 'cause there wasn't any other kids when I was little."

"..I wouldn't mind adopting a small pup if you wanted too." Jack states quietly, trying to keep their conversation private as a pregnant couple walks pass, giving the two a small wave to which they happily wave back.

Epel's eyes widen as he processes Jack's words, almost dropping his basket. "Really?! You'd want to?!" He asks excitedly, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

Jack flushes a little with a nod, it's hard for him to handle Epel when he's so cute and happy. "Of course. I've always wanted a pup too, but I wanted to make sure we were ready for one first."

Epel quickly hugs his fluffy husband. "Oh thank you Jack! You're the bestest boy ever!" He grins as he scratches his ear, causing his tail to thumb against the apple tree, letting the loose apples tall to the ground.

The two look at the apples and chuckle softly, holding each other close for a moment, taking in the blissful moment before they pick up the apples and get back to work.

Whelp, it's not much but it's honest work. Hope you liked these shorter stories. I'll run to write something longer I swear but I make no promise :3

Edit: Happy Pride Month all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals 💅🏳️‍🌈

Comment anything you like/hate, have a great day/night.

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