Blinded (Jade x Azul x Floyd)

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Azul wakes as his alarm goes off, the loud beeping waking him up from his deep slumber. The boy grumbles as he slowly sits up, stretching his sore muscles. It was the morning after his overblot and Azul's body felt heavier than ever before. He could even still smell the strong metallic residue that covered his body during the incident, he really needed another shower.

Azul yawned as he grabbed his glasses and put them on but when he opened his eyes it was blurry, something's wrong, his prescription is up-to-date. He pulled his glasses off and looked around the room, everything was clear, he could see everything perfectly, even kelp outside his window. This is bad.

Azul quickly rushes to his mirror to make sure his fears didn't come true, but when he looked into the mirror he knew the did. Looking back at him were a pair of beautiful deep sea blue eyes. His eyes were no longer a light bluey silver, he no longer needed glasses to see, this would be great news if it didn't have dire consequences.


A loud scream was heard across the hall and Azul bolted out of his door despite his body's protest, he practically broke the door down as he entered the room where he heard the scream and there was Floyd, tangled in his blankets and hyperventilating.

Azul frowned at the sight of his mate, he was so scared. He's rarely ever sees Floyd like this, he always carries himself with such confidence, in or out of the water, even when he's bored, but now he looks like a floundering guppy.

Azul quickly rushed over to him but didn't dare to touch him yet, less he wanted to get attacked. "Floyd! Floyd calm down! I'm here!"

"Azul?!" Floyd looked around wildly for Azul and though his eyes landed on him multiple times he could not see him.

"I'm right here." Azul kneeled and placed his hand near Floyd's, touching his hand lightly with his. The eel quickly latched onto the hand once he felt it though.

"Azul! I can't see shit!" Floyd screamed at Azul, or at least where he thought Azul was.

Azul moves his other hand slowly up Floyd's arm and to his hair, rubbing his head softly to help calm him down. "I know. I know. Just try and calm down, once you calm down we can fix this."

Floyd leaned into Azul's hand, a soft purring like sound coming from the eel, Azul smiled and kissed his head gently. "Good job, let's get you untangled. Stay still, I'm right here okay?"

Floyd nodded and reluctantly let go of Azul's hand. Azul worked the blanket off of Floyd and help him sit up right, he sat next to him and held his hand gently, which Floyd latched onto.

Azul looks at Floyd and was startled with what was looking back at him, a pair of dark green eyes. It was odd, and honestly it made him a little uncomfortable, Floyd looked like he was looking straight through him. Azul was so used to seeing a pair of gold and brown, heterochromia eyes on his eel was odd.

"I'm sorry." Azul whispered and Floyd's face became bewildered.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, squeezing Azul's arm a bit harder than comfortable.

"You lost your ability to see because of me. This is all my fault." Azul sighed and Floyd nuzzled himself into his neck.

"Yeah well then fix it. There's no use in apologizing now. Besides, we should have expected this after everything that happened yesterday." Floyd grumbled into Azul's neck.

Azul nodded and pats Floyd's head who chirped happily at the affection. "We need to go check on Jade, I doubt he's taking this any better."

"He's probably taking it worse. You know how he hates not being able to see." Floyd sad blandly and that set off alarms in Azul's head, he totally spaced Jade's fear as he hasn't had to worry about it since they all made their contract.

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