Coffee Time with Hawa

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Finally, this story comes to the word 'End'. Urgh, gigih ya aku cuba untuk tak 'lesap' berbulan-bulan. Well, if you guys know me well enough tu, tahu-tahu lah. uhuk uhuk... Okey itu cerita lama. Hakak janji hakak tak buat dah, huehuehue...

So... Nothing much to say but thank you sooo much for all of your support!  To those who willing to read and vote my work, thankyou. Really appreciate it. *TERHARU

So, perhaps after this i akan rehat kejap lah. Kot?  Ah i don't trust myself, seriously!

Anyways, teruskan lah naikkan story ni walapun tak menarik mana storyline dia... I'm trying to improve my skills, seriously. Doakan lah supaya aku boleh teruskan minat aku ni, tanpa tiba-tiba hilang rasa minat. Terpaling risau ya kalau tetiba lost interest. Harap tidak la...

Last but not least, i apologize if there're any mistakes. Maaf jika terkasar bahasa atau terguris perasaan readers. I didn't mean to. Thanks again guys, i love you guys.

Yang mendoakanmu,


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