I want you back - S.J

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Lmk if yk where this is from bc if you do, you're cool. But I changed it a little :)


Scarlett and I met at an award show after party. We both knew of each other since we're both actors, but we'd never met. Me being me I had a fan girl moment before deciding to introduce myself. I told her I was a fan and she told me the same.

We talked most of the night, dancing and drinking until we left the party together. I took her back to my hotel room and we had a pretty exciting night if you know what I mean ;)

After that I expected her to be gone in the morning, that's what usually happens. The queer actresses who want to stay in the closet so they don't hurt their reputations always leave in the morning and we never speak again. Until we do and it just happens again. It never gets serious because they don't want to ruin their image by being with a woman. Or maybe it's being with me, who knows.

But Scarlett was different, kind of. She stayed. We talked and cuddled in bed in the morning, even went out for breakfast. When she finally had to leave that day I asked her for her number, which she gave me. Just before she could leave I asked her out. I didn't expect her to say yes. Despite her staying and spending the day with me. But she did.

When I got back to New York we finally had that date. We hand a movie night at her place and cooked dinner together. It was nice. Domestic. It felt natural. We were seeing each other for a few months without a label and I finally got the guts to ask her to be my girlfriend. She said yes and I couldn't be happier in that moment.

We both thought it was best to not confirm our relationship but not deny it either. It worked for a while. But then the media started to talk. It scared her. Even if I kept reassuring her it wasn't enough. It never is.

I tried. I told her we could keep it a secret and sneak around, I just wanted to be with her. I didn't care how. But then it all went to shit again. It's like that night she shit everything off. She said she didn't want to 'tarnish' her 'perfect image'. That I was 'bad' for her. Even after I told her I loved her and I would do whatever it took to be with her.

She shut down. I tried texting. Calling. She answered sometimes, then she stopped. Eventually she blocked my number and got a new one. I cried for months trying to get over her. Trying to forget her. I did in the end. Or I thought I did. I think she was always in the back of my mind, whether I admitted it or not.

One day I was just in my living room opening my new marvel package they sent me with the script for the new Iron-Man movie. I played Tony's daughter in the first one and they decided to bring me back for the second to finish the start of my story before they thought about a solo project.

It was an okay day u until I looked at the cast list. Of course I was nervous about seeing her again. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited. But I pushed it to the back of my head, trying to forget until the day I had to go to set. My first day was the same as hers but we had different call times. She'd be on her third hour of filming when I would come for hair and makeup.

That day finally came and she texted me to meet her on set. Just as I had finished my hair and makeup I was sitting on a couch, with some shopping bags I had my assistant pick up for me, waiting for wardrobe to call me when I heard a familiar raspy voice call me name making me, look up from my phone.

"Wow, y/n. It's been a while" she said smirking, her piercing green eyes staining right back at my y/e/c ones. She had clips keeping her red hair in place, makeup slightly done and a black robe with red lining. Her character's signature colours.

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