Get you back - N.R

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Warnings: Mention of character death


Natasha Romanoff never really celebrated her Birthday. Growing up in the red room she didn't even know when her birthday was, until her mission in Ohio with her 'family'.

Other kids around the neighbourhood had been celebrating their birthdays and young Natasha barley knew what a birthday was until she was invited to a party of one of her 'friends'.

She missed out on so much her whole life, she thought maybe she could have this. At least until she goes back. Oh, how she wished to never go back.

So, that day she got home she asked Melina or as she called her in Ohio, 'mama' or 'mom'. After some digging Melina managed to find Natasha's birthday along with Yelena's since she was curious and excited after seeing the celebrations that go into birthdays; especially the presents.

December 3rd 1984. That was her birthday. That was the day she could have to celebrate another year of life. Although she was excited for her birthday she was more excited for her 'sisters' birthday. To see Yelena's little face light up.

Natasha shaved her lunch money for a whole semester just so she could get Yelena the super mario game she wanted for the game boy Natasha found abandoned at the park. With help from Melina they were able to get it working and give it to little Yelena for christmas and then give her the game she had been saving the whole semester for.

Her favourite thing she got on her birthday was a black cat stuffed animal Yelena had gotten her, they named her Liho and treated her like an actual pet since they couldn't have one.

Once returning to the red room Natasha lost the privilege to be normal, to celebrate birthday's and holiday's. But she'd always acknowledge her birthday, celebrate herself quietly. Being proud of herself for surviving to live another year. But, she never got to celebrate again.

Until she met you, you always made a big deal of birthdays; especially Natasha's birthday. But, for the life in her Natasha couldn't dislike that about you. Not after you set up a quiet day for the both of you to play nintendo games all day on her sisters birthday after she had told you about her. Even if you hadn't met her you knew how much Natasha missed her. You dedicated the whole day to playing games with her after she told you one time about the gameboy story.

You bought a nintendo switch and set it up in the living room with the 'retro' games all downloaded for her to choose whatever her heart desired. But her favourite part of the day was when you gave her a pink gameboy colour, just like the one she had given her little sister, along with the game she had saved up for all those years ago.

That was probably her best birthday ever. That was until today. December 3rd 2022, 7:00am.

You had practically kidnapped your girlfriend, much like you do every year so she had gotten used to it. Never wanting to upset you by asking loads of questions to ruin the surprise. She loved seeing the smile on your face when she looked at you after you had removed the blindfold. Helping her climb into the quinjet and get seated safely before flying you both to the desired location.

Today would be the best birthday for her. You'd be giving her the one gift she had always wanted, and you were so excited to see the look on her face. After the 4 years she'd had, she deserved to be happy. Truly happy.

So, once she felt the quinjet come to a stop and land on the ground a smile painted itself on her face as she could feel you by her side practically vibrating with excitement. You opened the door and led her off the jet carefully and in front of her present.

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