The One with the Fortune Cookie (Part 1)

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Narrator's POV

Lisa has been working at Wang-ton Wok restaurant since she was in high school. The restaurant is owned by the family of her best friend named Jackson. She was supposed to stop her study because of financial problems but good thing Jackson convinced his parents to let Lisa work as a part time helper at the restaurant.

Lisa is currently living alone with her grandmother. Her parents died when she was little. She and her grandmother have been striving since Lisa's parents died. Her grandmother is a vegetable vendor at a nearby market but when Lisa reached high school, her grandma became ill, causing the latter to forbid her grandma to go back selling vegetables.

Lisa became the provider for the both of them while she continued her studies in school. Even though it was difficult to balance her studies and her work at the restaurant while taking care of her sick grandma, she was able to do it.

Lisa's POV

I am currently in my last year at the uni and I'm taking a veterinary course as a full time scholar. I originally wanted to be a doctor but it will take a lot of time, money and work for me, especially with the current situation I am in. I don't think it's possible for me to finish my studies if I pursue being a doctor.

I needed to graduate soon so I can finally work full time and be able to give my grandma the good life she deserves. I want her to experience how to live comfortably before she leaves this world. I am well aware that my grandma is no longer young and strong than she was before. So I am working really hard so I can fulfill my promise to her.

When I told her my promise, she didn't accept it. She made me promise instead to finish my studies so I can have the comfortable life that she and my parents have wanted for me. Ever since my grandma got sick, she somewhat conditioned my mind to be ready for what will happen to her when her time comes.

I always hate it whenever we have "the talk" about when that time comes but I know she's just doing it for me. She wanted me to be strong when she leave this world. She wanted me to live fully without any more worries.

I just arrived at the restaurant after my class. For the past 4 years, I have tried to squeeze in my classes in the morning so I can go home early to work at the restaurant. Even though Jackson's family is treating me well, I don't want to take their kindness for granted.

I put on my apron, hair net and the restaurant's cap and headed into the kitchen. I saw Mr. Wang, whose Jackson's father and the head chef of the Wang-ton Wok, just finished cleaning another poor lifeless duck.

Whenever I thought of people killing an innocent animal for them to eat, I couldn't help but to shed tears. I know it's pretty ironic since I am a vegan and a vet student who is currently working at a restaurant where the people serve meat for the customers.

"Bàba! You made Lisa cry again!" I heard Jackson yelling while laughing as he made his way inside the storage room.

Mr. Wang: Ai shǐ– I didn't know you're here already Lisa. I should have prepared this early.

I saw Mr. Wang covered the dead duck using a cheesecloth that we used for making tofu.

"I-it's okay Mr. Wang. D-did you say a little p-prayer before the poor b-bird crosses the rainbow b-bridge?" I said as I wiped my tears and tried my voice not to quaver.

Mr. Wang: Yes. We even lit incense for him, Lisa. Don't worry.

I caught Mr. Wang elbowing his son because Jackson is trying not to laugh at the situation. I am used to him teasing me whenever I become emotional. It's not new to me. I headed towards my station and started cleaning and chopping some vegetables. I help Mr. Wang with the cooking but I am mostly in charge of the vegetable dishes while he's in charge of the meat dishes.

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