The One with all the What Ifs (Part 2)

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*Insert Grand Theft Auto's "Ah shit, here we go again" sound.

Author's note: I'm sorry for the grammatical mistakes and please vote for this story. Thank you!

Lisa's POV

Since that dinner that happened at Irene's home, I made a bond with her daughter Julia. Though it was an unusual bond because our friendship involved me spending money to buy toys and treats for her.

Ever since I found out about Irene keeping an old picture of me in her drawer, I started bribing Julia with toys and sweet treats to get some information about me from her mother. I told Julia that this operation is confidential and she can't tell anyone, especially her mother about this.

She understood it and accepted my deal for her right away. For a kid at her age, she's pretty much smart. I guess she didn't only get the looks of her mother but also Irene's brains. I am very much relieved that Julia didn't end up inheriting her father's brain because knowing that he let someone like Irene go, I can tell he's a total idiot.

Like someone I know from the past.

I am relieved that Julia owns a tablet which made it easier for me to continue our operation without her mom knowing. Though her mom strictly instructed her to use her tablet for learning purposes only.

I'm just lucky that Julia was smart enough to know how to use the iMessage app so we can communicate with each other secretly. I named her on my contacts as AegiTokki (BabyBunny) but when I asked her what she named me on her contact list, she said Ugly Duckling.

Yes, that brat named me Ugly Duckling. I'm still trying to bribe her into changing my contact name on her tablet but that tough nut is very hard to crack. I also didn't expect Irene's daughter to be this manipulative at her young age.

I bet she got that attitude from her father.

It's the weekend but I am currently finishing another book cover design at my home when I heard my phone suddenly buzzing.

"Speaking of that brat." I uttered to myself as I saw it was a message from Julia.

Aegitokki: Where are you?

Ugly Duckling: I'm at home working. Why? Do you have any scoop for me? The last information you got me is useless. You even tricked me into buying you that expensive dollhouse. I almost got caught by your mom when she saw it. You should have told her that you won that prize from a random survey online or something. Ai jeongmal.

Aegitokki: You're being talkative again and my head is starting to hurt because of you.

"Mworago?" I utter to myself in disbelief and chuckled. I still couldn't believe this brat came from Irene.

Ugly Duckling: So, what is it?

Aegitokki: Mom is crying. Come here quickly and make her laugh again.

Huh? Why is Irene crying? Did something bad happen?

Ugly Duckling: Why is your mom crying?

After I replied quickly, I started saving my work and fixing my stuff. It might be something serious so I better hurry up. Not long after, I heard my phone buzzing again and I knew it was Julia.

LisRene (Oneshots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum