The One with the Sun and the Moon

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Narrator's POV

"Mommy, can you tell me that story again?" The daughter said as her mother tucks her in bed.

"Again?" The mother asked with a chuckle.

Every night her daughter would always ask that same story to her mother. The little girl couldn't or would not sleep until she hears that same story her mother tells her every night. No matter how many times the little girl heard that story, she couldn't get enough of it.

As if hearing that same old story is a must for the little girl before she sleeps.

"Okay, how can I say no to that face?" The mother said as she gently pinch her daughter's nose and the little girl giggled.

"Once upon a time, the mighty creator created the world but then it was covered with darkness. The creator told the Sun and the Moon to go down on earth so they can illuminate the world and beat the darkness."

"The Sun only shines at day while the Moon only shines at night. Which is why the Sun and Moon could never meet again."

"The Sun was everyone's favorite because the Sun is very warm, radiantly beautiful and because of the light that the Sun is giving, the Sun can grow crops. The Sun gives life to the earth."

"However, the moon was seen as the opposite. Yes, they say the Moon is undeniably beautiful, that it's delicate beauty couldn't be compared to anyone but they say the Moon is cold, mysterious and sad."

"Whenever it's time for the Moon to shine, the people on earth couldn't help but to feel sad. As if the Moon made the night lonely for them."

"Is that why clubs are only open at night? So that they can make people happy at night?" The little girl asked her mother.

"We're going to have that talk tomorrow about why you suddenly have knowledge about that." The mother said as her eyebrows furrowed. She doesn't know why her daughter knows that but she somehow has an idea of who is the culprit.

She gently pinched her daughter's nose again and the little girl just giggled. The little girl let her mother continue the story.

"Back to the story— Little did the people know, the reason why the Moon is sad is because no matter how hard the Moon tried to take a glimpse of the Sun, the Moon could never see the Sun again. Same as the Sun. The Sun could never see the Moon again."

"But how come the Sun is happy?" The little girl asked her mom with a confused look.

"Who said that the Sun is happy? Sometimes, the Sun hides and cries in sorrow whenever the Sun misses the Moon. The Sun hides using the clouds while the clouds produce rain."

"The Sun was crying?" The little girl asked.

"Yes. The Sun was crying but the Moon didn't know that. How could the Moon know that? The Moon could never see the Sun. The Moon doesn't have any idea."

"One morning, the Sun was about to rise when the Sun noticed that the ground was wet. The Sun found out that it was raining all night. The Sun realized that the Moon was crying all night so the Sun requested the creator to create Stars that can accompany the Moon at night so that the Moon won't be lonely anymore."

"The loneliness of the Moon lessened but the sadness was still there. The Moon kept on crying at night so whenever the Sun would rise, the ground was wet and made the Sun hide in the clouds and poured more rain during the day. It was raining day and night that brought heavy floods to the ground. The heavy rain continued for months and nearly wiped out humanity."

LisRene (Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя