The One with the Book Author (Part 2)

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Irene's POV

{Flashback from a year ago}

I am at my book launch event for the recent book I have written. The book is about finding yourself, loving, and choosing yourself more. There's also a bit about women empowerment in my book which is what most of my books have.

After I read my favorite part of the book on the podium, the attendees started congratulating me. The event itself is officially over but I still need to mingle with my guests as I always do after every book launch or book signing event.

I was having a conversation with my publicist Jennie when a beautiful woman came towards me and introduced herself as a huge fan of my work.

She said that ever since she had read my first book, she was hooked and started reading my other works. She started reflecting and made some realizations that made her make the biggest decision in her life.

"So how long have you been with your partner?" I asked as we were now having a cup of tea on one of the tables inside the coffee shop just beside the bookstore I had a book launch event with.

Nancy: We've been together for 6 years now. We're College sweethearts.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of them being together for that long.

"That's so romantic, Nancy."

Nancy: I guess. I'm about to get married in 2 weeks.

While I am smiling and feeling butterflies in my stomach, her facial expression shows quite the opposite. She looks as if getting married to her partner of 6 years is not something she's happy or proud of.

"What's wrong?" I asked with so much concern.

Nancy: I think I'm having second thoughts.

"Cold feet are just normal, Nancy. Having second thoughts is normal. What's not normal is having second, third, fourth, or if this has been happening for a while now."

Nancy: That's the thing. I've been unsure for a long time now.

"But you've been together for 6 years now and from what you told me it's almost a year since you got engaged. Is that how long you've been feeling this way?" I asked and she just nodded lightly.

Nancy: She's great. My parents and friends love her so much.

"Nancy, it's you who will get married, not your parents nor your friends."

Nancy: I know. After I read all your books, I started realizing how she and I are not compatible with each other. I think the only reason that we lasted for 6 years was because she's the only one who my parents and friends really liked. She's the only one that passed their standard.

"What about your standard? What are you looking for in a partner that you couldn't find in your partner?"

Nancy: Before, I thought she had everything I'm looking for. Kind, smart, and has a good sense of humor. She would always make a joke to make me laugh. But then when I read your books, I realized I was settling for less or just second best. I realized I wanted someone who is more serious, more career-oriented, and someone who's more compatible with me.

"Nancy, you don't marry someone because they can make you laugh. Long-term compatibility is so important that it can save every marriage from going into a divorce."

Nancy: So you think I shouldn't marry her?

"If you're not really compatible with each other as you say the two of you are, then do what you think is the right thing to do, Nancy. I don't know your partner so I can't really tell. Just follow what your gut is telling you." I said to her as I put my hand over hers to comfort her.

LisRene (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now