The One Where There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Part 2)

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Author's note: This story was inspired by a RomCom movie I saw years ago and I must warn you it has a light smut scene here and also contains vulgar words.🔞 So if you're a minor—-- Goodluck entering heaven, nirvana or whatever you call it in your religion. Hahaha! I'm not gonna forbid you to skip this story since I don't have the right and we both know that it doesn't work coz' you will still proceed even if it has a heavy smut scene. Anyway, Sorry for the grammatical mistakes and please vote for it. Thank you!

{2 months later}

Lisa's POV

I thought after that night during my date with Irene, we would start to become friends or at least act civilized with each other but I was wrong. Yes, we finally stop bickering but only if Miss Taeyeon was around. When she's not, me and Irene are back to bickering again.

I had a hunch why she's still irritated at me but somehow I find it hard to believe. To be honest, I didn't do anything wrong that night. After the both of us opened up to each other, I was really nice to her and drove her home. That's why I was surprised when she's back to being bitchy towards me again at work.

Today, Miss Taeyeon gathered us for a meeting. Me and Irene sat far away from each other just like what we did before. We're back to acting like the other one has a contagious disease that needs to be avoided but since our working stations are face to face with each other, we couldn't really avoid each other.

Miss Taeyeon started the meeting with the usual routine of asking each one of us what's been happening with our lives. Something to make everyone loosen up before we start the meeting. It was then followed by giving her our updates with our work.

The meeting lasted for almost 4 hours but before she wrapped up the meeting, she called our attention and called my name. She congratulated me for having the most accounts for this month which is by the way not true. It was actually Irene who got the most accounts. She must have gotten confused.

I was just about to tell her that it was Irene but her secretary suddenly knocked on the door and called her. There was an unexpected important guest that Miss Taeyeon's presence was needed. So she immediately dismissed us leaving Irene throwing her deadly glare at me.

I heaved a sigh and got up from my seat. I was about to exit the meeting room when I was suddenly dragged by Irene into the nearest utility room. I know for sure she will take this personally even though I wanted to correct Miss Taeyeon, it was just bad timing, that's all.

Irene: What the fuck was that, Manoban?! Why didn't you say something to Miss Taeyeon?

"Didn't you see what happened? She was called by her secretary."

Irene: Then why didn't you say something before Miss Park came?

"FYI, If you did not avoid looking in my direction, you would have seen how my mouth was open and was about to correct Miss Taeyeon."

Irene: Well, are you planning to tell her that it wasn't you who had the most accounts?

"If that's what's in your panty's desire, I will." I said to her irritably as I started to lose my patience with her.

Irene: You're such an asshole.

"An asshole you wanted to fuck."

Irene: In your dreams, Manoban.

I huffed in annoyance.

"You're just annoyed because I didn't kiss you that night." I said to her as I was about to leave the utility room but she suddenly yanked me.

LisRene (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now