The One with the Book Author (Part 3)

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Lisa's POV

It's been a month since the last time I saw Irene.

She tried reaching out by calling me through my number, she tried to see me at my apartment and the school I am currently working, but I never picked up her call nor let her see me. To be honest, I am not really sure if I am angry at her.

I think I was just hurt because of the thought that Irene judged me from what Nancy might have told her. The reason why she told Nancy to call off the wedding.

I know I'm just a middle school football coach, not some big-time coach from a major football league but I wasn't supposed to end up in my current profession. I was supposed to be a lawyer.

I gave up that dream of being a lawyer because Nancy couldn't finish her studies due to her family's financial crisis. Her father's business got bankrupt and her mom couldn't work anymore because of her mother's illness.

So I took a break from school to work so I can help her earn money so she can continue her studies. When she's finally graduating from school, she was so happy. I've never seen her that happy in so many years I've known her.

That was also the first time she shared her dream with me. Saying she wanted to build a family with me and live somewhere far from the city, near the beach to be exact where we could wake up in the morning and have a beautiful view of the beach.

She's so excited and said she couldn't wait anymore for that to happen.

While she was sharing that dream with me, I realized how this woman really wanted to build a future with me. I started thinking that if I go back to law school and finish my studies it will take a couple of years before I can work again.

And another couple of years again to earn money to fulfill our dream together.

I got scared that Nancy might get tired of waiting so I decided to just continue working instead of going back to law school. At first, she hesitated, saying she feels guilty since I couldn't finish my studies because I was working to help her finish hers.

But then after I told her it was for our dream, she finally agreed.

She then promised that once she started earning money, we can reach our dream of living near the beach sooner since both of us will work together to earn money faster. Then I can go back to law school to finish my studies.

But unfortunately, she wasn't accepted to her dream job in the company she had always dreamt of working, and that's when our relationship started to crumble. I noticed how she became more impatient that even with the slightest mistake on my part, she would get mad at me like I made a grave sin towards her.

She started nitpicking on me for working a small paying job at a coffee shop that wouldn't get us nowhere. Saying that the job I was working at wouldn't get us nowhere near in reaching our dream.

That's when I decided to just look for a better job but since I wasn't a College graduate, the best I could find was a coaching job for a middle school football team. Since I was part of the football team during my middle school and high school years, I actually knew the former coach of the team I am coaching now.

They're actually our rivals but never won against our team. The former coach knows me pretty well. He even said I was the best football player he had ever seen in his decade of coaching.

When he's finally retiring and saw my application for the coaching job, he immediately talked to the higher-ups and gave them a good word for me. I was hired right away. The job wasn't paying me that much but it was a better pay than working in that coffee shop.

LisRene (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now