11: Jack's Back

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A/N so someone asked for a chappy where Jack comes back, so here you go! Enjoy <33

The Doctor's POV

Rose and I clear away the mess from the pumpkins and by the time we actually get around to carving them, it's late--but we do it anyway. While I take ages on my intricate designs, Rose simply cuts heart shaped eyes, a triangle nose and a jagged mouth. I frown.

'Where's the fun in that?' I exclaim. 'It's Halloween--you've got to do something scary.' Rose laughs.

'So what are you doing then?' she asks. 'A Dalek, a Cyberman and a TARDIS,' I reply triumphantly, turning my first pumpkin to face her.

'A TARDIS isn't scary,' she comments. I shrug. 'Whatever. I couldn't think of anything else to do.'

Suddenly my sharp ears hear a noise from the console room--sounds like the TARDIS door opening and closing. I bolt to my feet and run into the console room, Rose following me.

Stood by the TARDIS console is a startled looking Captain Jack Harkness.

'Oh my gosh!' cries Rose, and flings her arms around him. He stands glued to the spot, staring at me.

'Um, Rose, hi,' Jack says, suddenly regaining his composure. He glances over at me again. 'And you are?'

Then it occurs to me that the last time I saw Jack was in my previous incarnation, at Satellite Five, so he won't recognise me. I laugh. 'Oh, I'm the Doctor. I regenerated.'

Jack doesn't seem fazed by this and grins at me. 'So, what have you two been up to?' he says in an incredibly suggestive tone.

Rose shakes her head impatiently. 'Never mind that, how did you get here? The last time we saw you was at...oh, Satellite Five.' She frowns. 'We left you there, didn't we?'

He nods. 'Yeah, you guys kinda just abandoned me there, so of course I was fiddling about with my vortex manipulator--' cue groan from me-- 'so I kind of somehow got here and I decided to come look for you.'

'Oh yeah, sorry about that,' I wince. I grab Rose's hand. 'We were, uh, kind of carving pumpkins for Halloween--'

'So that's why you've got weird stringy stuff in your hair!' Jack says. 'So, how've you two been?' he winks, again in a suggestive tone.

Rose rolls her eyes. 'Do you ever stop flirting?' She squeezes my hand. 'Don't try it on, I'm taken.' Rose plants a kiss on my nose.

Jack whistles. 'So you guys finally figured each other out!' I turn pink and fiddle with my hands a bit, trying to blend into the TARDIS wall.

'Yeah, um, anyway, how about we get on with the pumpkins?' I say. Jack laughs. 'Change the subject why don't you?' Jack teases.

I laugh awkwardly. 'Uhm, so, Jack, how have you been? I mean, how's the immortal life and all that?' Jack shoots a sideward glance at Rose, trying to be subtle but failing.

She rolls her eyes. 'Yes, I know about it, Jack. I looked into the time vortex, killed the Daleks, and all that.' She adds, 'and brought you back to life in the process.'

'Yeah, about that. You guys just sort of left me there...?' Jack complains. 'Sorry, there was a lot going on with the regeneration and all that,' I sigh.

I open the door to the kitchen. 'Come on, let's catch up. But we've got to do these pumpkins, Rose--at the rate we're going we'll have them done by next week!'


A/N firstly may I apologise for the really bad ending :3 anyway please comment prompts and stuff because I'm pretty much out of ideas xD

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