26: Chocolate Pancakes

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A/N woop woop im back with another chappy and it looks like imma be able to get wifi pretty easily now since there's a little cafe next door to the apartments and if you hide behind the fence you can get the wifi (even though they don't let us) XD oh and yes, I know i made a massive mistake in the last chapter and completely forgot about Jack :/ plot hole :3 he will probably be back in the chapter after this, let's just say he was visiting friends xD anyway gonna be starting my turn left au v v soon an i have lots planned for you guys to get confused about ;) enjoy this chappy <33

UPDATE: PLEASE READ hi guys, right now i'm having a little bit of trouble - ive sprained and twisted my coccyx and i'm finding it very, very difficult to do simple stuff such as standing up and crossing my legs. there is available wifi just round the corner, but i honestly don't know if i will be able to get down there and if i can, how soon it will be. i might be able to send someone down with my phone to publish this, but i just wanted to apologise if this takes absolutely ages to arrive. thanks for reading and please bear with. hugs and love, avery x

The Doctor's POV

Soon enough we get fed up of the red and brown leaves sticking to our clothing, so Rose and I head inside. The sun is setting and turning the sky to burnt orange. I close my eyes to block out thoughts and memories of Gallifrey.

I follow Rose into the kitchen. 'What do you want to eat?' she asks me. I shrug. 'You know the TARDIS can provide everything you need...?' Rose rolls her eyes. 'Yeah, but it's more fun to actually make stuff.'

'I've never really had to make stuff before,' I say. 'Is it fun?' Rose laughs. 'Depends what you're making. Let's do pancakes. Do you have Nutella?'

I wrinkle my nose. 'The TARDIS can get anything, I told you. But why would you want Nutella?'

'Duh, for the pancakes!' Rose replies, rolling her eyes again.

'Oh,' I say. 'Are you sure about pancakes though? It's 6pm, Rose. You don't eat pancakes at 6pm.'

She snorts. 'Says who? Pancakes are for any time of the day. Anyway, no complaints, we're doing this. End of.'

A humming noise sounds - the TARDIS is laughing. 'Oh, shut up, old girl,' I say, tapping the wall. Rose laughs. 'The TARDIS agrees with me,' she sings.

Closing her eyes, Rose attempts to telepathically ask the TARDIS for the ingredients, just like I taught her. She opens the cupboards and everything is neatly arranged inside.

'Flour, milk, eggs and a little bit of salt,' Rose says as she takes each item off the shelves. 'It's pretty easy.' Grabbing a bowl and spoon, she pours the flour into the bowl and adds the milk.

'I'll let you do the egg and salt,' she says. I groan. 'But I'll just make a massive mess!' Rose laughs. 'Doesn't matter. It's more fun that way.' Tapping my nose with a flour-covered finger, she grins and passes me the egg.

I whack the egg on the side of the bowl so hard that the shell breaks in one, and tiny pieces fall into the bowl along with the yolk. I groan. 'See!' I say accusatively. 'I did it wrong.'

Rose shakes her head and takes one of my hands. With the other she grabs a teaspoon and fishes out the bits of shell. 'You're learning, you'll get better,' Rose says, kissing my cheek. I blush.

'Let's see if I can put the salt in without completely ruining it,' I say, and, with extreme care, spoon in the small amount of salt and mix it all together.

'This bit I am doing myself,' Rose grins. 'There is no way I am going to let you loose flipping a pancake.' I pout in reply and she laughs.

Slowly, Rose pours a thin layer of the mix into a non-stick, greased pan, and sets the heat up to medium. I watch intently as she waits for the pancake to take shape and cook.

'Stand back,' Rose warns me, and lifts the pan off the hob. Clearly concentrating hard, she flips the pancake and it lands neatly back in the pan. Sighing with satisfaction, Rose carefully shuffles the pancake onto a plate with a spatula.

'Come on,' I say. 'We still have another one to do yet!'


Half an hour later we are covered in ingredients, but content as we sit on the sofa eating our chocolate covered pancake. Rose has the jar of Nutella next to her on the coffee table, and keeps dipping a knife in to add more onto her pancake. My hair is dusted with flour and so is Rose's.

I wipe my mouth and put my plate down, curling up with my arm around Rose. 'I love you,' I whisper into her hair, and kiss her cheek.

Placing a hand on her chest, I feel her elevated heartbeat, and smile softly.

As I close my eyes, one thought runs through my mind.

Rose Tyler, I am so in love with you.


A/N shoutout to my mum for helping me with the pancake recipe xD

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