The Boss is Here

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" Excuse me, do you need some help? Only if you want it. "

You raised your head toward the person Secco had threatened. You shook your head and grabbed onto a nearby pole, slowly pulling yourself up.

" No, but thank you. I have somewhere I need to be. "

' I might die in the next few seconds, but I need to get to the Colosseum. I need to at least be there. '

" Well, this might be none of my business, but crossing the street might be a struggle for you. The least I can do is help you across. I can help you, if you want. "

You looked at the road in front of you. Though you couldn't see, and your hearing was shot, you knew that no matter what, you needed to get across the road. You figured this person could get you across and then leave you there. Then you would crawl to the entrance.

" Okay, but please help me hurry over. I don't have much time left. "

Doppio nodded and pulled your arm over his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your waist and started to cross the street. You knew from his figure that it was a male, but his reaction seemed odd. Not everyone who was attacked by a stand user was so kind. Most people would run away; they wouldn't stick around.

" Hey, what's your na--"

The man carrying you fell to the ground, in the middle of the street. There was a small platform in the middle of the street that Doppio ducked behind. His back was to the rock platform while you were on your hands and knees. Unknown to you, Fugo was looking around the side of the Colosseum, looking for any more enemies and for the woman he had grown attached to.

" We haven't crossed the street yet. What's wrong? "

" Uh, sorry. The wound on my throat opened up and started bleeding. "

" Oh, well, I'm sorry to rush you, but I'm in a hurry. I need to keep going. "

You tried to stand up and continue walking, but Doppio grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back behind the platform. Doppio hovered over you as his hands were placed on your shoulders.

" You can't! Don't stand up! I mean, there's another car coming. Once it passes we can cross. "

You listened for the car he had mentioned, but it was on the other side of the road. You could barely hear the car behind you and not in front of you. Your suspicions grew more, and you flinched when the man started to make sounds like a telephone.

" You're receiving a call. . .take it. "

" Oh, uh, thank you. "

You used this to your advantage. In your mind, you knew that whoever this was, is not someone you should stick around with. While he was going to take the call, you were going to cross the street. You couldn't use your stand either because you were drained, but you knew that you could at least crawl or muster up what little strength you had left and cross.

" Hello? "

' Come on! I just need a little strength in my legs! '

You slowly crawled towards the platform's edge but were still hidden from Fugo's eyes. You slowly placed your foot, on the edge of the platform, on the piece that touched the street. With what strength you had left, you pushed yourself away from the platform and landed on the other side of the street. If you had stayed with Doppio a little longer, you would have seen Trish in his place, as a figment of your imagination, due to his and Trish's bond.

You landed on the street but didn't attempt to get up from the sidewalk. You were done and couldn't make it any farther unless you had help. Fortunately, Fugo saw you and ran over, with Mista behind him.

The One Changing Their Story (Venti Aureo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now