Battle of the Raging Seas

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Madara watched an astral projection of a fleet of ships sailing forth from the shores of the Land of Water. Unlike any other voyage, their sailing speed was unbelievable thanks to the Fourth Mizukage standing at the head of this navy and making the very ocean drive his rapid advance thanks to his mastery over water style. Something his shinobi could only dream to achieve.

A fourteen thousand strong army with another two thousand acting as its logistical and medical support.

Four legions made up of four thousand personnel each.

It was the strongest army ever mustered by Kirigakure that had set off for a lengthy and brutal world war in such a grand fashion.

If it fell, then so would their nation as the reserve force left behind by their Kage would not be able to protect its lands against a full blown counter-invasion launched by its enemies should their main armies be destroyed or routed.

"He's going all in" commented Zetsu disappointedly,

"This was all he could muster considering he sent off 7,000 of his men to Osaka to act as a diversion. Even so, Kumogakure still has more men than him. Did the Raikage take the bait?" asked the Uchiha,

"Not completely. He has pulled his son A alongside his regiment and the Kinkaku Blackops from the frontlines near Konoha's borders even ceding critical territory they had won for he realized how grave this threat is. It has freed critical war resources for the Land of Fire to launch a counter invasion against the Land of Wind now that the strongest military in the world is off their back" answered Zetsu seriously,

"Just as Naruto planned"

"A's forces and the Kinkaku are nearly 10,000 strong. The diversionary force led by General Abe is only 7,000 strong. They'll most probably be cut to pieces or be broken into desperate fighting groups" warned the creature,

"Not our concern, even the bait knows its fate. What about Kumogakure and its feudal capital's defenses?" asked Madara seriously,

"The Third Raikage controls his village with a 10,000 strong force. The new puppet Daimyo you installed forced him to part with another 5,000 of his reserves to join the royal army in the capital's defenses. That's nearly 25,000 men guarding the two locations in total against Naruto's army of 16,000. I'm not sure how he can win this despite his military brilliance, the odds are simply too great" said Zetsu frankly,

"Just as the Raikage, the boy himself is capable of facing an entire army given how strong he has become. But you're right, he's severely outnumbered. One mistake on his part and it can end in disaster. It's where we come in" advised Madara seriously,

If not for their stubborn ideology and shortsightedness, Madara would have chosen the Land of Lightning to create his new world. But the fools would never understand the greater picture which was why they had to be broken.

"Why do you like him so much, Madara?" asked Zetsu curiously, making the Uchiha glance at the young Kage leading his fleet.

"He reminds me of myself from long ago, also like Hashirama to an extent. Unlike the arm chair Kages of today who prefer to command their armies from the safety of the rear or secure command zones, he's always out there in the field. Right beside his men, leading through example. Sharing every hardship and pain he asks his troops to endure, his predecessors lacked this zeal" commented Madara with a smile,

"Some would call it foolish. If the Kage falls in battle, an entire nation gets put in jeopardy even causing his armies to collapse" countered Zetsu,

"True. Most Kage's think along those strategic lines. But from his birth, he was taught to lead from the front even if it means facing death every time. For people like him, there is only Victory or Death" answered Madara,

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