Chapter 3

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I hear people talking upstairs, it's faint and I can't make out what their saying. I walk downstairs and peak through a open door. I walk in, thinking nobody was in there. I hear a bang behind me, I run and hide behind a old ripped couch. I watch a lady walk past, she stopped and looked out the window.

She's tall with long brown wavy hair that reaches the middle of her back. She turns quickly and I see a beautiful face with perfect lips and baby blue eyes. Somebody calls the name Tiff and she walks out the room and goes upstairs.

Once she is gone, I jump up from behind the couch and run out into the hallway. Running through the hallways, I find the front door. Quietly I open the door, everytime it creeks I stop to see if anyone is coming.  All I can hear is a bunch of girls talking upstairs about something but at this point I don't care what their talking about.

I quickly but quietly open the door and walk outside. I have to squint because it's so bright. It's hot, I've already started to sweat. I feel like ripping my pants, making them into short and taking my shirt off. Once my eyes are used to the sunlight, I look up and see a open feild with a barn and wooden building to my left and beside that a forest with stones sticking out of the ground, maybe a grave yard or something.

I look around and then something I see shocks me. I see a gaint stone wall, with a huge opening.

The Mazeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن