Chapter 25

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We get to my or our room since she has kinda moved in here, aha. And the first thing I do is grab a condom from my dresser drawer and put in on my bedside table. She is still outside talking with her girlfriends about who knows what, while I am in here wondering if she's being flirty like that because she wants to have sex. I as wonder and pee, but mostly wonder she walks into the bedroom. She's wearing this top that cuts down in the armpits and short shorts that make her look amazing and then there's me wearing t-shirt and pants looking really hot, at least I think so. I come out of the bathroom and she starts talking about how people in the world think that teenagers like us just go around throwing our selves at people just to get sex out of them. And I just standing here listening and just nodding my head and saying yes. We stare at eachother intencly for a minute or two. "Ah, fuck it." I whisper loudly and she jumps into my arms and as we are making out we fall onto the bed. She's grabbing the ends of my shirt and pulling it up and so I pull it off and get back to kissing her. I start to lift her shirt and she lifts up her body so the top just slides off of her. She stops me and asks, "Do you have protection?" "Um yeah. It's right over here." I reach over the the dresser and grab the condom. "Should we get under the covers so it will be better?" I ask her and she nods and crawls under. I do also and slide my pants off as she pulls off hers and I put the condom on. She doesn't even wait for me to tell her to come on or if I went onto her, she just jumps on top of me and starts to kiss me again. I turn her over on to her back and grin up apon her getting ready for what shall be the best night of my life. She pushes me off of her like something was wrong, "I love you." she says to me. She's never said that to me before. "I love you too." "I want this, I really do!" She says to me with a great big smile on her face. "Good." I say back to her. She pulls me closer and starts to kiss me again, I kiss her hard. Starting on her lips and moving to her neck then as I move down her body she gives herself to me. As I come back up and kiss her on her neck somemore, I move back up to her soft and lushes lips. She's pulling me closer and harder agenst her. I finally do it. She moans and groans, I don't want to stop, she is so amazing. I can't believe it finally happened, I'm so happy. As we keep going in grinning harder while she's kissing my neck. We keep going until I finally stop.

Once we're done we continue to kiss hard, we are both breathing deep and heavy. She's tired but still loving it, I can tell. She looks into my eyes and we flip over with me on top of me. She sits up a bit with her naked body up agenst mine, we contiune to make out and we still breath heavy. As we sit here after everything she stops randomly and pulls her self away from me. I'm wondering did I do something wrong, hopefully not... "I'm happy we did this, I love you and I'm so happy we decided to do this!" She says to me while looking deep into my eyes. "I'm glad we did this to. I've loved you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. And I'm glad we did it before we have to go out there." I say back, as she nods at me agreeing to what I amd saying. I grab her hip and her back and pull her closer for another kiss. She breaks it off after a second, then grabs my neck and forcfully pulls me back into the kiss and I flip her over onto her back and start to grin again. We do it over again and even for a second time in one time she still is amazing. I love her so much not just for her body but just everything about her. Thank god after we need to end and we are finally done.

I move over onto the other side of the bed flopping my body down, she kisses me on the check and goes over to the bathroom. After she comes out, she comes back into bed and curls up agenst me. Our naked bodies pressed up agenst each other, "That was the best night of my life Mat." She whispers to me. "It was the perfect night." I say back to her. And from there we fall sleep together after what was the best night of both of our lives.

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