Chapter 6

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Me and Tiff start to walk over to the Gardens on the North East side of this giant place. When she stops and notices something but I don't know what. Tiff yells at some of the girls and askes, "Have the runner come back yet?!" One of the girls yelled back, "Not yet but they should be here any minute now!" Tiff scoffs and turns back to the Gardens.

"So Tiffany-" I get cut off by her saying, "Call me Tiff." While looking at me with a cute smile on her face.

"Okay, Tiff. What happens in the Gardens. Do you just plant flowers and frolic through them to make the place look pretty." I say sarcastically while walking up to the front of the Gardens.

"No. This Garden is where we plant seed for food as in carrots and onions and lots of other things." She said looking at me with a glare in her eyes. I point to a little area in the Garden and say, "Thought you said you didn't plant flowers to make the place look pretty." She looks at me with a little smile and her cheeks start to get rosey. "I mean't not this part, nevermind." She said embarrassed.

She grabs my arm, giggling and pulls me over towards the giant walls with that huge opening that I saw before. "Hey Tiff, what's that thing?" I say with a weak voice. "That Mat, is what we call The Maze!"

"And what does 'The Maze' do? Is it just a little maze that you can play in at anytime?" She glares at me and says "Little. You think that maze is a tiny little maze you play in. It's nothing like that it's a heartrenching fear striking giant maze that closes at night so the Greivers don't get inside. And yes I said Greiver, it's a horifying monster that can kill you in a sting. And if you get locked behind those doors at night, your screwed!"

I look at her with a scared and worried look, I don't know what to say. Everyone was staring at us and I don't know why but I'm feeling pressure and I have still can't think of anything to say. So out of stupidity and me being the idiot I am I just quietly whisper say, "Okay so, what your saying is I shouldn't go in there?" "Yeah that's what I'm saying! And I know I'm coming off harsh about the maze but I don't want you to get hurt." Tiff said with a loving look. I look back at her and say, "I don't want that either." She giggles.

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