Chapter 23

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Were in the kitchen and going to grab some eggs and toast. After we eat I get up from the table a few of us are at and grab our plates and put them on the counter with some of the other dirty dishes that Maya has to wash. "It was a great breakfast, Chef!" I say to Maya our wonder full chef. "Thanks, it was a simple one today cause we need to restalk today." "Well it was very good." I give her a big smile and she grins back at me from across the counter. "Good luck today. In the Maze." She looks up at me then grabs another plate to wash. "Thanks! I have to go but I'll see you later!" I say to her when Tiffany grabs my hand. "Okay see you then. Bye bye." Me and Tiff turn around and walk out together.

It's gotten bright outside from when we first woke up, like a lot brighter. I look down at Tiffany as we are walking down to the little hut to the right of the Maze doors that Tracy told me to go to. "So Mat, only runners and the person who runs the place can go in here. So why I am telling you this is because if you see anybody that is not a runner go in there you need to stop them. Okay?" "Yeah sure now why do we get to see it but nobody else can?" I ask her. "Well cause nobody that isn't a runner has ever seen inside the Maze.  And we don't want to worry anybody more knowing what the Maze is like and how fucking huge it is and how we might never get out. That's why we don't let anybody go in that little hut."

"Sounds resonable. So is this it?" I say to her as we walk up to this hut. "Yup this is it. Umm I won't be coming with you, I have to do some harvesting with the girls today for Maya to cook us a nice meal tonight. So I'll see you later, Okay?" "And later is?" I ask her pulling her waste agenst me. "Later is when you get back okay." She gives me a sexy smile. "Okay I can live with that." I say back shugging my shoulders. "Okay." She says before leaning in for a kiss. That kiss will help me get through the day. As she turns around and waves goodbye, Tracy comes up behind me and grabs my shoulder, "Ready for your first day on the job Mat?" She asks me. "Yeah lets go, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I say back.

We walk into the hut and the first thing I see is a huge modle of the Maze. It's huge and has the finest details, it's exactly how I remember it when I went in there. The walls are the same. Everything in this modle was pefect, but I had only made it so far in the Maze that I don't really know the rest of it. And by the rest of it I mean farther in... Other then this giant modle of the Maze in the middle of the room, on the walls there are some weapons and they look really fucking scary. Other then the torture weapons on the walls there are some big hiking bags and some more knifes on the shelves. "Okay now that you have given yourself the tour of the hut now I'm going to teach you all about the Maze. Sound good? And yes I can tell that you are shitting your pants right now, but you will live if you follow the rules we all have for our runners. Okay?" She's right I am shitting my pants seeing all the shit I'm about to encounter. "Okay sounds good and we can go out there and do our jobs." I say back to her trying to hide the fact that I'm very nervious. "I love how you think you know what your getting into but you really don't. But you will do great. Okay now for the Maze..." She goes on to tell me everything.

After about an hour of talking about the Maze we start to pack up our bags. We grab our stuff and leave the hut to go out into the Maze. When I go outside I'm a little shakey because I'm about to go into a maze that I had to save Sandy in. I'm also scared of the Grievers but at least they won't come out during the day, only at night and I don't think I will be going out there at night ever again. My stomach is still turning but I know that I'm coming home to a girl I really like or may even love.

As we go in she leads me stright to the back where I've never been before. I'm a little scared because I've never been in this part of the Maze before. "You good?" Tracy asks me. "Yeah I'm doing okay. I guess." I say while almost shitting myself like before. "Don't worry I was like you before almost shittin' myself. I have to edmit that I am temted to scary you to see if you do shit yourself." "Wow you're just so nice aren't you. You just have to be an asshole, don't you." I say in sarcasm. "Hey," she says turning around to look at me, "What's that?" We both stare at this long huge walk way leading to a big circular door. Now I'm really filled with terror because Tracy doesn't even know what it is.

"Okay Um we can go look at it and see what it is... Sound good?" She asks "Yeah we can." We start to walk down the walk way and I'm sweating so much because of how scary the drop on either side of the walk way is... All you can see on either side of you is a huge drop that just leads to darkness.

"I think we found it." Tracy says to me while staring down the tube of darkness. "What do you mean found it? What did we find?" I ask her so comfused while looking down into darkness. "I think we have found the exit to the Maze..." She sits down and I grab our lunches from my bag and sit down with her and hand her a sandwich. We sit here for a while and eat the sandwiches and stare at this door. I know that we are just both thinking 'what the fuck is this giant door' and 'where the fuck does it go.' We both finish and she looks over at me and says, "You ready to go?" "Yeah we can go." We walk down the walk way and through the Maze. It's getting quite dark as we walk back. I look at what Tracy is writing on a peice of paper. It's a drawing of where the 'exit' is. Seems smart to write where it is just incase. We get back and me and Tracy go into the hut and drop our stuff off and go join everyone for dinner.

We sit down with Rusty, Marzia and Tiffany and Tracy starts to tell all of them what we had found. How we found this creepy ass door and drew the way to it and how to get there and all of that stuff. Then we all start to talk about what we should do about it and we all decide that we should get everyone together, pack out all of our stuff and go in the next few days. Then after our lovely dinner ffrom Maya we all go up to bed and get some rest. Tiffany comes up with me and we fall asleep so fast.

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