Chapter 13

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I wake up and the sun is just rising and I can see that all of the girls are up. But I walk outside and ask some of the girls where Tiffany was and they all said weirdly at the same time that she's upstairs still sleeping and then they all broke off and went to work. I smerk and remember what she said last night, that she would wake me up but I'm up before her so I get to wake her up.

I have an idea. An idea on how to wake the beautiful Tiffiany up. I look around trying to find the water pump, I see it by the Gardens. I run over grabbing a bucket from the Gardens on the way and fill it up to the top. Slowly and carefully I run or morew like fast walk back over to the Homestead. I open the door carefully but spilling a few drops, but thats okay.

Walking up the stairs still spilling a few drops but I get to her room. I see her laying in her bed, on her side. I slowly walk up to her bed side and I dump all the water on her and start to laugh. But she didn't move, is she okay? Then I hear someone call my name behind me.

I quickly turned around and all I see is something coming at me. I feel a splash of water fall over me, drenching me. It's cold and now I am to. All I hear is a girl laughing, but it's not anybody laughing it's Tiff. I whipe my eyes and see her on the ground holding her somach, laughing her ass off. She's laughing and I go over and give her a big, wet hug.

She starts laughing and squirming trying to get away, I let go of her and we sit beside eachother aginst the wall giggling. We look at eachother, I start to lean in when, Nat comes walking in and says, "Hey thought I would find you up here Mat, you up for a job today?" "Ugh I don't know I think I'm just going to relax today. I was suppost to start my job today, but I don't think I will. That cool?" I say back to her being as tired as I am times that by a hundred. "Yeah that's cool. Hey and maybe you can work on that tan today lay in the sun! Okay I'll see you later." "Okay see ya, bye!" I say giving her a little wave. "Bye Mat. Oh and hi and bye Tiff. I'll see you out there." She says waving at Tiff. "Yup see you out there!" Tiff said back to her.

Tiff stands up, putting out a hand to help me up. I grab her hand and she helps me up. She grabs a coat and says, "You know she's right, right?" "About what?" I say back comfused. "She's right about you," she said starting to walk out the room. "and you needing to work on that tan." She's already out the door. We walk down stairs. "Well I have to do a few things. I'll see you later." "Okay see you out there." She answered while walking out the front door.

I slam my head agenst the wall, mad at my self. "We were so close." I keep whispering to myself. Why didn't I kiss her, I like her and she likes me. It was the perfect time, we were alone and were cuddling. "Why didn't I do it!!!!" I yell at myself. "Hey Mat, you good?" I hear a voice say, it's a familiar voice. I turn around to see Marzia. "No I'm not okay, I'm just mad at myself." "Okay sit and tell you bestie everything." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me over to the bed. We sit down and I tell her everything about me and Tiff.

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