Chapter 28

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The only people who know how to open the door is me and Tracy because we have been here before. We need to open it with a code, the code is founded on the Grievers leg or arm thing that nobody wants to touch. But the catch is that nobody has gotten close to a Griever or  a Grievers leg to notice a six letter code with out dying. So nobody knows what the fuck the code is. Then out of no where three Grievers start to attack everyone. I grab Tracy and Tiff and pull them aside, "We need to get the code and the hard part is that its on the leg of the Grievers. So that's going to kinda hard." I quickly tell them while everyone else is fighting away. "Hey! Mat! Pass me your machete!È I hear Marzia yell over to me. I grab it out of my bag and throw it over to her and at that exact moment she catches it she turns around swinging the giant knife towards the Griever and cuts one of his legs off. All the other Griever run away as soon as she cuts his off. Exect for the one with only seven legs instead of eight.

It's just laying ther not moving, Marzia tosses Rusty the arm and stabs the Griever a few more times just to make sure it's dead. "Guys there's some numbers here. How long is the code you guys need?" "It's six letters or numbers!" Tiff yells back at Rusty. "Well this one is six number want to try it." I look at her then back at Marzia and she waves at people to come, and they all push over the Griever over the edgo of the walk way. Rusty looks like me with a weird look, "Did you hear me!?" She yells at. "No yell it out again please!?" I scream back to her. "Okay ready," I give her a nod as I stand by the pin code ready to put in the code. "Okay, 9-4-2-5-3-3. Got it?" I put in the code saying the numbers as I go. "9-4-2-5-3-3." I whisper to myself the door opens.

Tiffany yells out to everyone, "Guys, it's open. Get your ass' over here were getting out of here!" Everyone runs in with Tiff and I at the front and Rusty and Tracy at the back gathering everyone up. The doors quickly shut and we are in complete darkness, no sound or anything. Tiff grabs my hand and squizes and I hold hers hard because I have to edmit I am a little scared. After a while of walking in darkness and a few people walking into walls we felt the end. There's just a wall but as I am feeling around I hit something sticking out of the wall its a door nob. I try to turn the nob but its locked. "It's locked, do you have anything to get it open?" I ask everyone. "What do you think we have a key or something." I hear Maya say. "I have bobby pins in my hair if you want to use those?" Kitty says to me. "Sure pass." She passes them to me and I put them in the lock and giggle them around for a few minutes. Once it finally clicks I'm so happy and I open the door to see...

Dead. All dead. Bodies every where just laying there pools of blood all over the ground. Some shot, some stabbing, some with slit throats , killed, of them. Dead. As we climb over the dead bodies and when we all starting looking around but then somebody walks in. This person had there head down and blood all over her. She lifts her head, it's Zoe. "Hello Mat, nice to see you again." She says staring at me. "Hi.. Zoe.. You okay?" She stands there staring at me, she hasn't even blinked. "Zoe? You-" "I killed Julia!" She yells out, every one is watching her. "And now I'm going to kill you!" She pulls up a gun and points it at me. All I see is her pull the triger.

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